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Coaling Stage

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Afternoon all,


Thought I'd share a few pics of the very quick project I've knocked together in the past week or so -- a very non-specific 'somewhere in the West' shed scene to pose engines on as a display box. The main feature is a scratch build based on Wadebridge coaling stage which I've long felt an urge to model. Only remaining jobs are to paint in the rail sides, add the steps down from the stage, and maybe position a couple of people.




30338 simmers on the back road




A shamefully unweathered M7 poses alongside.


As well as the actually-finish-something-manageable urge, this has been an exercise in using up scraps, which has been most gratifying. Total tally of odds and ends used up is one offcut of laminate from laying a floor the other week, three dodgy short lengths of Peco Bullhead, 1/3 tube of tile grout for the ground cover, a sheet of spare mountboard for the backscene and proscenium, and various bits of plastikard and Wills sheets. Total investment £8 timber for the frame, and £4.50 for the water crane. Not bad!



Edited by Calidore
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