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Hornby Series pre war Tank Wagons


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The cradle was painted blue and refitted and the end caps to the tank, bending tabs over is always a nervy time, I normally leave the model on a radiator for an hour before I have a dabble. Normally I try to avoid bending a tab over as that is when most of my disasters strike so instead I give them a gentle twist with a pair of snipe nosed pliers and this does the same job. This isn’t always possible in confined spaces and sometimes you don’t really have an alternative to bending the tab. Anyway here’s a picture of work to date. The ladder and filler cap haven’t been secured yet pending the decals .


Edited by Bassettblowke
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Re tabs, I was wondering with my tinkering too, perhaps if the tabs look a bit fragile and fatigued where they've been bent before, it might help ( prior to paint) to maybe run a thin layer of solder over the tab especially the point of bend ?

Just occurred to me that it might solidify them so re bending isn't such a risk?

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I would be interested in how that pans out, one of the problems I encountered when positioning the tabs to slide through the slots was the  amount of fettling required. This was probably more of an issue on the Milk Tanker than it would be on other wagons, the milk tanker has numerous slots and tabs, ten on each cradle for example and the tabs and slots both needed to be clear of paint before they would sit properly and engage. The solder may well do the job of reinforcing the tab but you may well have to either enlarge the slot or file off much of the solder to get the tab through the slot.

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My other suggestion when bending tabs is where possible use snipe nosed pliers, push the jaws onto the tab hopefully beyond the point where the original bend was made so that any fresh fold or twist occurs at a fresh point on the tab.

on the subject of tabs I’ve noticed that Hornby liked to fold whereas Lionel and Marx at least judging by my US tinplate items used both twist and fold in equal measure.

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A quick update on the decal hunt, Fox transfers do a 7mm set, not specifically Hornby reproductions but they would do the job as I am not about  producing a 100% authentic replica. What’s holding me back is the price £11.80 which is only  £4.20 shy of the purchase price of the tank wagon.

I also tracked down the guy in Australia who has taken over the late Rob Hortons Wessex Transfers business, he is away from home and unavailable due to personal circumstances until mid March so it’s wait and see for a while yet.

Edited by Bassettblowke
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Yikes! That's expensive.. I know that some folk can make transfers from images printing via computer, it'd be way beyond my old bloke "computer stupidness" but you may be more savvy than I... Might be worth investigation as to how to do them diy, you could even then supply others for a small consideration!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly Rob Horton died. However I have the last of the Korton United Dairy Hornby transfers. Which I bought for restoring a BL Milk Tanker [ Close, not exact but not too bad

I can sell one set. However in addition I have also had the graphics done for the extra lettering on the BL version on the chassis and under the tank. I am just waiting on the artwork to restore a Carette Flatrol as it will e cheaper to get  a batch done  including a few others  i have artwork done for. Contact me if of any use

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