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Little Framling , a ex GER branch line terminus

Great Eastern Lady

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Hello rmwebbers 

I would like to welcome you to the humble beginnings of Little Framling , a fictitious ex GER branch terminus on the borders of Suffolk and Norfolk.

The layout will consist of three 4ftx2ft6in boards with a 5ft traverser fiddle yard with five roads. The three main boards are made of 25mm kingspan with 9mm ply on the ends and 6mm ply on the sides with internal batons for added strength. The result is so far very light and quite strong boards. The legs for the boards are yet to be built.

i am using Peco code 100 streamline Electrofrog points with Peco set track.  The layout will be wired for full DCC with a few isolated sections until I can afford to get the controllers and code chips for the locomotives, once that is done then the isolators can be switched out.

i will be using kadee couplings on all the wagons and locos, the carriages will only have kadee couplings on the ends. I am using 22x11x2mm Neodymium magnets in pairs mounted under the tracks for the uncoupling 

I have added a few photos with the beginnings of the first two base boards 






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Everyone 

Well I have been doing a bit of work to base board 1 . The platform has been built using a Metcalfe kit , it was my first go at a cardboard kit and I have made a few mistakes. Had to another rh medium point after breaking the other one , the track has been weathered using Woodland Scenics track painter . They aren’t too bad except for the tips getting worn down very quickly .  Got a Wills point rodding kit , so that’s the next thing for board 1

 Couldn’t help but take a few photos with my J15 and D16/3









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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone 

It has been awhile since my last post and I thought I’d wait until I had something worth posting .

I am about 3/4 through building my cattle dock but I would like to put working lights on it , thinking of using those by Modelit (Anyone used them) , and I have build a wooden cabin that I got free in a magazine a few years ago.

Going to attempt building my station building from scratch as the kit I had didn’t really look right after I started it and then I tried kit bashing it and that was a disaster so that went in the bin and all the other station building kits out there just don’t give me what I’m looking for, so wish me luck .

I have started on the shallow cutting on board 1 and I’ve also ballast the track using cinders and ash which took two attempts after I totally mucked up there first one, still I hope it looks ok , oh and I’ve finished the point rodding on board 1

Does anyone know where I might be able to get GER platform lamps as I’ve looked around and can’t see anything that’s even looks close 

I have attached a few photos 


Regards Jayne 






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This looks like fun, and progressing rather faster than my Suffolk continuous branch (still at the bare boards stage, and even they are not complete). But that's what I get for trying open baseboards and relocating to a new house in the middle of contruction!


Do post more as you go along. Always like to see works in progress.


As a matter of interest, whereabouts in the house is this layout to be, eg, loft or spare room? It sounds quite large. Mine has to go round the walls of my home office, which is a major limitation, though knowing how over-ambitious modellers can get, maybe that's not such a bad thing.

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I think I have been a bit over ambitious with the length, but I really didn’t want it to look too cramped and I like a bit of scenery and houses etc and not for it to be all railway . So the only place I’ll be able to have the whole layout running will be in the main bedroom or in the garden which is why it needs to be portable and light 

I can get boards 1&2 together and test the track for shorts and check the points are working , so I can get a little bit of running done 

However with Peco being closed most model railway shops have run out of points , motors, switches etc 


I have started scratch building the station building , I’m using card with with brick card glued together , the doors are from Shapeways and the windows are from EMA

Now I’m just wondering how far should I go with detailing the interior, I have bought various bits and pieces from Scale Model Scenery like flooring and wall colours etc 




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone 

Not much happening with the layout itself, and I haven’t really felt like doing much , modellers block I guess 

Anyway the last few evenings I’ve made a bit of headway with the station building. Nearly finished the ladies waiting room and made a start on the ladies lavatory 

I know it looks a bit rough but it is my first go at scratch building 






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone

Little Framling is now DCC after getting controller about a week ago and I have got another couple of locos, so I now have two J15’s and two D16/3’s and all have had decoders fitted

I have also been working on the station building with the booking room and booking office completed except for figures and I have started on the Station Masters office , also the front wall of the building has been fitting and some of the lighting 

The wired look huge in the photos , but they aren’t really 










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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone 

Work is slowly progressing with the layout , again my attention had been on board one. The flock I had originally put down I decided didn’t look good enough or right enough so that has been replaced by grass matting from gaugemaster which although isn’t perfect looks a lot better and a bit more realistic. I have also done the area around the cattle dock , just got fencing and lighting to put up there . The station building I’ve stopped work on as I’m waiting for modelit to get in new stock of certain connections which I need to continue.


It is late August 1947 , the last few months of the LNER. D16/3 8825( to be renumbered 2576 waits in the platform with the 11:38 to Ipswich and in the cattle dock road J15 7510( to be renumbered 5430) waits patiently as cattle are being loaded 





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That’s really developing nicely. I especially like the station building. As a resident of Norfolk I’ll follow this with interest. J15s are just such dainty engines (says an avowed GWR enthusiast), always a joy to see the NNR J15/Ywhatsit one 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree about the J15, but the D16 is also a nice-looking engine, I think. Still waiting for someone to produce a RTR E4. Might be waiting a while!


It's nice to follow someone's progress. I think how much internal lighting, etc, you do is very much down to what you want to present at the end. If you want to have a very detailed exhibition layout, for example, then a lot of detail helps to focus attention when there's little happening. Personally, I like internal lighting in buildings anyway, because winter or nighttime running is definitely enhanced by it.


My Suffolk branch is dragging along, but other commitments (even in lockdown!) get in the way sometimes. Also, a malfunctioning point held me up - I'm using handbuilt pointwork as I prefer it to Peco track. It was glued down, but had to be removed and was damaged in the process. By the end I had almost entirely remade it!

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@Bildeston OG if that had been me after spending all the time hand building a point , I think I would have cried

The D16’s I think are such a handsome locomotive, must have been quite a sight in the GER blue 

I agree with you about the E4 , but what I would really like would be an F5 or F6 , or maybe both lol , and that would finish off all the ex GER locomotives I need , oh and a couple of B12’s

As for lighting it is going to be quite sparse, not a great deal of street lighting and just a couple of tall lights for the goods yard



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone 

It’s been an expensive few weeks since my last update , and the Little Framling family has had a few new additions in the shape of a B12 and another J15 , so I how have three J15’s in early BR and one in LNER, three D16/3 two in early BR and one in LNER and finally my biggest locomotive that will run on the branch a B12 in BR transition livery.  Only need to get about two or three locomotives and that’s me done , unless someone brings out a RTR F5 or F6

What else , well I’ve started laying the siding behind the platform and I’ve started work on the station building again which now has working lights :D.  Things are beginning to come together 












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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone 

I have been quite busy with the station building over the last few weeks , the Station Masters office is finished and I have just a few finishing touches to do to the parcels office and refreshments room and the lights are working lovely.  I know they look a bit bright , I do have a dimmer switch just haven’t wired it yet .

Quite chuffed it’s all coming together 








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  • 4 months later...

Hello everyone and a belated happy new year 

Well it’s been quite a few months since I last posted anything and after a few dormant months I finally got going again on the station building 

The roof is almost finished bar the guttering and entrance canopy and the extension building is 3/4 finished . Once the building is finished I’ll start on the platform canopy , which I’ve already got the pieces from Lcut



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone 

I have been doing some more work on the station building as I’d like to get it almost finished before I start on baseboard 1 again. The entrance canopy has been built which I got from Lcut and has been fitted, the roof is finished except for the guttering’s and the extension building has been completed  with advertising signs and fire buckets.

I have some LNER signs on order which should be with me soon and then they’ll be attached 

I’ve got a bit of light bleed coming from the roof which I’ve left detachable so I can replace LED’s should I need to

All in all I am pretty happy with how it is turning out











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Hello everyone, it’s only been a couple of days since my last post , and now with the bit between my teeth I have been cracking on with base board 1.

Around the station building I built up the ground with polystyrene sheets to keep it light and which has a gentle slope down to rail level for the goods yard, I then added some thin card strips for contouring which was then covered with plaster strips. 

Once dried it’s has been painted in an earthy brown . I’m quite happy with how it is going at the moment 








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  • Great Eastern Lady changed the title to Little Framling , a ex GER branch line terminus

Hello everyone 

Just a little bit done to the station building but something I think adds a lot to it , and that is a few LNER advertising boards, they really make a difference 

The canopies are in the process of being built , and I’ve got some more guttering on order 
I have got loads going on for the layout with fences , gates and coming soon the Station Masters garden 





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Hello everyone, I have been working on the platform canopy and I’ve just trial fitted it to the platform and it look rather good , I am hoping that the slight unevenness in the roof will smooth it’s self out once it has been fitted.

The canopy just needs the painting finished off and the valences attached








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@willsheldrake Hi will , thank you I’m really pleased with how the building turned out , being as it was my first go at scratch building .  
The canopy is from Lcut , they do all the separate pieces to make one , I then just modified the columns as they were too tall and bit of cutting with the roof bits and I ended up with what I was after 




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Layout looking good so far. 


What are your plans for the area behind the station building? There is plenty of space for a decent station yard but also rooms for some own buildings to give a suitabel backdrop for the station.






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