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Shed wall layout plan - plea for help!


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Hello all


I have a log cabin in my garden (fully heated, electrical, broadband, etc) in which I now want to build a 00 layout around the walls. I've not got a huge amount of space to play with, but it's essentially an 8'x8' square, and I'm able to give 12" on one side, and 18" facing it, with a 6 inch run on the other sides (one will be a lifting section for the outward opening doors, the others will be a hidden track behind a sofa. Basically two shelf layouts, but with the potential for continuous running.


I was originally planning to do this in N gauge, but with 2 small boys, it's all a bit too fiddly (fitting DCC decoders to my Farish tank loco was no fun, whereas modifying Hornby 'Edward' was great!). I appreciate this means I get a lot less railway for my space, but it's a better (and much more economical) approach.


As this is really just fun for me and 2 small boys, era etc do not matter - although steam trains are just way more attractive. I was thinking a couple of small stations, one on each side, with double runs of track between them. Some sidings etc to play around with, and some room for scenery.


Anyone got any thoughts?





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Ignoring the boys for second, what are your interests?  Do you like shunting goods wagons?


If so, then perhaps a 2 level layout on one side and the upper/back layout could be an end to end shunting "plank" for yourself, with the roundy being a layout shared among everyone?


If that appeals, 2 possibilities - one, split the 18" shelf with a lower and upper section, the lower being in front of the upper.  Alternatively, place it 12" above the round layout on the 12" side.


This could even sort of work with a minories variation "up top" for you if a sort of branch line terminus for passenger stuff is instead of interest - could even extend a shunting lead around the corner and along the one end wall perhaps.



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 I would go for a singe track (G)WR branch with a FY track behind the sofa. Min radius 3rd radius with 2ft rad points. Like Carmarfen - Abertwisted  Should work as per my doodle. Wont work with RTR set track points, too wide.  Limiting factor is curve onto 12" board round end of settee.

Maybe a cassette system 4ft ish long, 4-6-0 loco plus three Mk1 coaches, is about 43" so 3ft 7" which should fit behind the settee.  The lifting section, or iift out, (I much prefer lifting) needs to be scenic, just put bridge sides on it, it works wonders for fooling the eyes.  Ideally sit on settee and watch trains go by.

You could go double track but its very small and less interesting to operate.

The goods shed is weird but with no loco allowed in the shed its interesting to operate.  Cinderford terminus had something similarly weird, but with only 12" for a station and sidings its one option, 3 tracks at 2" per track plus two 2" platforms doesn't leave much room for anything else

If you want a pretty plan give Harlequin a nudge




Edited by DavidCBroad
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Thanks David - this is exactly the sort of thing I hoped might be achievable. Although given this is a toy, rather than a model, I won’t have long trains (perhaps I can reduce the length of the platforms accordingly?), and a FY is unnecessary. Love the idea of a viaduct across the doors though, will definitely go with that. 

Settrack, however, is going to be absolutely essential! And I do think a double track will help keep engagement up - watching trains speeding round is more fun!

@mdvle - I really appreciate the concept. Not bothered about a shunting board, but I could probably have some kind of split level on the 12” limb (there’s a window on the 18” side, so it won’t work there).

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I've had a look at whether a double track roundy is feasible on xTrackCAD.  It's tight and the question needs to go to the OP whether it's possible to add baseboard to the corners of the 1 foot board to allow the inside loop.  If not, then the outside loop low relief goods shed will need to go.  Other than that, I've kept to the brief of size, set track and peco short radius points.   Hope this helps.




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This is brilliant Bryant, thank you so much! It's not a problem to fill out those corners a bit to contain the overlapping curves.


A new element has come to mind, which may (or may not) be feasible.  On the other side of the 1' board (to the top as I look at your schematic), there's a wall - on the other side of this wall is a second room in the cabin (it's the workshop element of this). if feasible, I could cut a couple of tunnel portals into the wall, and have an extra run of track on the other side - might be a good way to extend a run, with a hidden element.  


I'm also keen to reduce the platform lengths on both sides to the absolute bare minimum, just to get in as much non-station running as possible. What would be the smallest that wouldn't look silly (I won't be running long trains, imagine Thomas with his two small coaches).

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Having a layout in two rooms so you can't even see the stuff in the second room seems like it'd be more trouble than it's worth, I can't really see any useful benefit myself.


My childhood layout had platforms big enough for two mk3/4 length carriages, so about 60cm/ 2ft. I'd say that's the minimum you should consider, but I would have liked them a little longer. Maybe have one station with longer platforms (top edge?), and one with more goods yard type facilities but shorter platforms that 3 coach "express" trains can just race through, whilst 2 coach "slow" trains can stop.


It may be intended as a toy, but you could design it so a reasonable degree of realism is possible if interest develops in that direction.

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Hi fffrank, your topic caught my interest as your proposed railway has some similaries to my own. My railway is in a loft but the space has to be used for other purposes not exclusively for my railway. I took inspiration from those shelf type railways popular in America, only mine is a landscaped version of. I just wanted a sceanic line for running my collection of BR Blue, and thats all it is. No station, yard, shed or any of the other usual suspects. The two long sides are only 12' the ends 24, but you could just do angled or curved corners. Mostly trees and telegraph poles etc are to the back so less vunerable. The two signals at the near edge are not fixed down so would knock over rather than break. I've used peco points at the crossover so this obviously sets the track spacing. This of course is wider to scale than the prototype, (but what most of us use?) if not using really big radius life like curves. The picture is an overall view which is not it's most flattering aspect, but gives an idea what the aforementioned track spacing is like on 12'.


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Hello again fffrank, of course more could be given over to the sceanic areas than I have here. The cess is of more prototypical proportions but could certainly be made rather smaller without looking too wrong?

The picture below may give an idea of how effective 12' can be viewed from inside/correct side.

Such as you stated in your original request it's a good set up just to watch trains go by...


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If you are prepared to go to 12" wide across the door you could get a much better layout plan.

We have a 4 platform station about 2ft wide on a lifting section so I don't see why you couldn't have a two platform station across the door on two boards each hinged to the adjacent baseboard. 8" might be enough. It would need some engineering to provide central folding leg or legs but would make a huge difference to what is possible.

The adjacent room sounds like the perfect place for hidden sidings.

One problem with a single track, I had an 11 X 11 approx wall hugger and I used to get giddy after watching the train do three or more laps...

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