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Twisty Test Track

Mark Pelham

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Afternoon All,


Well, taking inspiration from Graham's (shanks522) new layout build:




I figured it seemed a great idea to be able to give my stock a run in a small space, run in any new stock, and have a go with the static grass gear, so after a quick couple of purchases and bit of work I now have this:














Next will be the lengthy process of wiring(!), and applying lots of expanding foam.





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24 minutes ago, shanks522 said:

Like it Mark! I've come to a standstill on mine as I'm enjoying running some stock.






I'm hoping to install the wiring tonight, then I daresay I'll be in a similar position!





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Evening All,


After hours of extensive research, planning, production of wiring diagrams, and slaving over over a hot soldering iron and crimp tool, the wiring is complete:




A bit late to test it now, so will dig out a couple of controllers tomorrow to give it a whirl.


The plan is that I can either connect up a DC controller to each track, or a DCC Command Station to both, or one of each.


I forgot to add in my first post that I’ve been trying to think of a suitable name for the ‘layout’. Using the layout shape as a theme (not very original, I know!), I’ve pondered “Twisten Curve” from the infamous Morpeth Curve, or taking a topical theme “Furlough Curve”. Otherwise it could be Scottish based “Invertedait” - a twist (no pun intended there!) on Inverkeithing as ‘Inverted Eight’. Or heading off to the South West, it could have a Cornish sounding name “Wheal Wythinaweal”, as Circle in a Spiral doesn’t really work.


Anyway, Screwfix tomorrow morning for the expanded foam, then a testing session before any scenic work commences.





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Morning All,


Two days ago I added two plies of thin MDF to provide a contour fascia around the circumference of the board, cut the profile, and then disaster struck - the board fell over top-side down and broke two rails on the outer track having snapped most of the chairs for the 'upper' rail (being superelevated) on two track sections. Anyway, after rehearsing my plethora of expletives the rail was reinserted and Slo-zap glue applied; so far so good.


I then applied some expanding foam to the layout to create the scenic shape, but it didn't cover completely. However yesterday morning provided a reminder as to how much expanding foam continues to expand for a while!





Anyway, another can purchased to fill in the blanks, and some drying/expanding time resulted in:





Out came the knives yesterday evening to do some carving, the result being:





Due to the depth of the foam, some of the lower stuff hadn't cured, and having carved about 90% away left the top part a bit soft. This was opened slightly to allow air in to help cure the lower material, and an off cut stuffed in to help fill the void. This has since had a bit more carving to make it a 'feature', rather than just looking like a cake that sank.


Hopefully later today I'll get a coat of filler over it.






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2 minutes ago, smallman28 said:

That is awesome, I just wouldn't have the balls to do that :D all that foam everywhere would drive my anxiety through the roof!


I've just finished removing any remnants from the track with a nail brush; as for the mess, nothing that Henry couldn't sort out!





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Evening All,


Now fully plastered:





Once dried in the morning I'll sand the edges, and also clean up anything on the track. Fortunately the rails are all clear which will save some time.





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Afternoon All,


With the plaster dried, this morning I tidied up the track and contour board edges, and then applied a plaster/PVA/paint slurry:





Next will be to fit the tunnel mouths and retaining walls, and 'make good' their surroundings; I'll also paint the contour boards black.





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Morning All,


Between working on bits 'n' bobs around the house the last couple of days, I've managed a bit more on the as yet unnamed test track.


First was to tone the track down a bit from the garish grey plastic. I dug out the airbrushes and compressor, thinned down some 'Frame Dirt' (nil stock of 'Sleeper Grime) and misted the track - except no mist. Tried the second airbrush - same again. Couldn't get either to spray any paint, so resorted to applying the wash with a paintbrush. Not sure if it looks too 'blotchy' or if it will suffice, I'm sure it will improve once the green and furry gets applied to the rest of the layout.


Anyway did a bit of Googling and found a suggestion that the needle may have been stuck closed, so I stripped both airbrushes and lo and behold they had paint on both needles. I thought I had thoroughly cleaned them when I last used them, which was also the first time I used them!


So do I spray the track again, or leave as-is?


Additionally, the plaster/PVA/Paint slurry dried far more pinker than I had expected (much lighter than the last photos), so I painted neat brown paint over the top.


I also realised that I should have extended the tunnels away from the clearance points from the diverging tracks, so dug out some scenery and built up some more structure with foamboard.


The next hurdle was finding a tunnel mouth that would provide clearance for the stock, given the wider than normal track spacing. I printed the Scalescenes arch planner template and cut out the various options, to find they were all too narrow and/or low due to their profile. My solution has been to print them at 113.2% to give the clearance in width and height, but has necessitated further modification to the tunnel structures to increase the height and avoid the foamboard being visible at the top of the tunnel mouths.


This evening I hope to assemble the tunnel mouth kits, and possibly retaining walls, before adding filler over the extended tunnel mouth structures.


Here are the latest progress photos:











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Evening All,


I've been working on the Scalescenes tunnel mouths, which are now installed, but have just realised still need varnishing. I'll let the glue dry overnight, vacuum the plaster/foam debris, then give them a couple of coats of Dullcote.


The scenic form has needed a fair bit of chopping back to get the tunnel mouths to fit. I've glued some of the foam/plaster to back-fill some of the larger gaps, then this will all need making good with fresh plaster. I'm sure scenically the landscape is very contrived, but given the nature of the layout and track plan I don't see it being a real issue.


Here's the latest photos:










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Morning All,


Between tasks around the house, I have been working on the test track here and there; the terrain around the tunnel mouths was 'made good':




Unfortunately, I put too much water in the plaster powder, which of course was the last of the box so ended up applying it as a plaster/paint/PVA slurry again.


This then was all given another coat of neat paint to darken it up, and the contour board/fascia was given a coat of satin black:





I found my can of sleeper grime, so gave the track a spray - it looks a bit brown now so I'll try giving it a gentle brushing to bring some of the grey back. I seem to have reapplied masking tape to the track before any photos were taken of the sprayed track.


I've been wanting to try out some of the WWS materials and tools that I've had for a long while, so started adding some static grass; photos taken this morning with the sunlight coming in through the window, rather than last night's artificial light:





I was a bit concerned at first as the base layer didn't adhere too well, and the layering spray seemed to just blow it in to clumps. That's not so much a bad thing if you want to create clumps, but not great if you want a tidier looking field or lawn.


It will be interesting to see what happens when I vacuum the area, my concern is that not much will be left! In the least, I'm probably going to have to patch up areas alongside the cess.


I have some purple/lavender scatter material somewhere that I will dig out and sprinkle over some of the coarser patches; I do wonder if it is going to look a bit more suitable for 4mm/7mm scale rather than 2mm though. I'll also add some heavier growth around the tops of the tunnel mouths.






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A bit more work done after cleaning the oven this morning (lovely job!) while I have a cuppa.


I've now pretty much run out of the layering spray, fortunately I placed an order for a couple more cans, so hopefully will be here in a couple of days.20200525_133117.jpg.3d2a039967c459ff26f744167b9cecae.jpg







I'm actually quite pleased with it so far, although the 'clockwise' tunnel mouth does look like it's just been to the barbers for some kind of neat punk hairstyle in green with purple highlights:





The Dullcote seems to have left a grey powdery finish to the tunnel mouths, which I think I've seen previously and resolved with Johnsons Klear varnish to bring the colour back up; alas not on this occasion. I'll add some Woodlands foliage to cover the worst of it.





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2 hours ago, shanks522 said:

Looking really good Mark, you definitely putting me to shame, I’ve managed absolutely nothing on mine. 





It's the most 'proper' modelling I've done in a couple of years! I've been fortunate enough to have a bit of space to leave it between bouts of working, and fitting those in between other jobs around the house.


I'm back to work on 4th June until the end of the month whenever the last shift finishes (haven't looked that far ahead yet!), then back on furlough again for July. I'm trying to get it presentable before returning to work.





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Afternoon All,


My delivery from WWS arrived yesterday, so finished giving the layout a basic covering.


The layout's been relegated back into the office, so it's mostly artificial lighting now:







One thing I have learnt from this is that if you mask the track, it is very easy to get carried away with the static grass and you soon lose the edge of the tape. I ended up with some nice looking scenics, that then got 'cut off' when the tape was removed. I think in future I will either just not bother with the tape, and hoover up after the first base coat, or just be careful not to get too much on the tape.


I've now got some additional patching up to do than expected along the track edges, plus around the tunnel mouths with some coarse foliage.







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2 hours ago, AireValley1962 said:

Looking very nice! Got to get some trains on it now, mate!


Hi William,


One more bit to patch up, then give the track a good clean, but after that...





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Morning All,


Got the 'green & furry' pretty much finished now, might have to do a bit more here and there later, but it'll do for now. I still need to paint the rail sides, but decided to do a bit of running instead.


I gave some loco's their first run-in having sat in their boxes since new - first up was a Class 4MT 2-6-4 and another 'N' Class:




After a few more running in sessions for Robertsfield stock I decided to give some of my Bridgtown stock a run, namely the Pendolino and my Class 50 hauled "Toothpaste Tourer" charter set:




The haulage capability between the locos is astonishing, the 4MT could hardly pull two coaches up the gradient, yet the Class 50 managed nine without too much wheel slip.





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