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Make over


When you´re not satisfied , you gonna thinking ,what shall i or what if ?


In this case you can try to make over  a better and smarter one as before you did .

It helps sometimes when you do things in another way and you learned about it what went wrong before.

A perfect micro is the taste of yours with  it´s own twist .




The plan is the most same av before except it is smaller and better to build it .

The size is now 46c, length and 20cm wide.The height is 30 cm , on both sides comes cassettes wich i can make a choice in what sort of train comes.



Edited by AlexClass4F
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unexpected event


Past week has passed away my dad, wich i had not so good relationship like other sons and daughters .

When the divorce of my parents came 30 years  ago, my father goes is in a sort of spiral with many ups and downs.

Problems that you and i also can have , when your not listen to your health.He passed away with the age of 74.

My mom leaves her life with 56 ,buth i have many good memories of her and she liked the way of building my micro´s.

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A little update


A layout how small it is can never without a building , mostly as you build a a typical theme for what you want .

I decide to have a station building in a regurly way , that stands on my micro .It comes with a small platforn and soon it will build.



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The first building stands well, i start today with adding some green brushes and trees behind the building for a remote/distant place , i discovered that most of halts and local station far from the centre of a village or small town.

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I  started with a good sentence, to add some trees and brushes, along the platform i add some grass and is a begin what else to come .

Later i add some details so that it is not exaggerated.

Mostly of time i search and investigate what important is  to show it on the micro.




Edited by AlexClass4F
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The solution is simple for this result , try and try again , when you experience with trees , you can make it your own way when you are satisfied , then is it good enough , if not , start again and think what you want.

My job in real life is gardner , so for me is it simple and smart plan what i do everyday to copy in model .Railways in a natural era are good friends with  each other .

I have many ideas to build in the future and some micros  to complete the scene ,you won't see me building a busy micro so quickly.


Most of the micros I build are in fact the environment I live in or enjoy being in, nature.


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