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Slow running N gauge Class 56 (DCC fitted)

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  • RMweb Gold

I have a class 56 that has an odd acceleration curve and doesn't go very fast. It appears to only have three speeds 'crawl', 'walk' and 'walk a bit faster'. Its a useable locomotive so I could believe that Dapol have just given it a weird gear ratio except that the acceleration curve seems to suggest a fault. I mean it's not really a curve, more like three discrete speed steps.


Any thoughts?

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Although I didn't find a solution, I had a similar issue with a Loadhaul 56 with DCC (split from a set).


I'd be interested to hear if there is a fix as it ran very slowly, far below what would be expected for realistic scale speed.


It would probably be a good step first to replace the DCC decoder with a blanking plug, just to remove the possibility of it being decoder related.


Although I understand why suggested, I suspect putting the voltage up (if adjustable on your DCC control unit) will also make other locos run faster too.  Be careful, as advised, to ensure the voltage does not exceed the decoder installed, or even other decoders on other models on the same track.


My best guess would be a slightly tight gearing which could strain the motor and eventually wear it out quicker.  After all, if the motor turns freely, the gear train is free running and the wheels turn, it should work properly if given the right feed of power, i.e. via the DCC decoder or direct from the rails as well as the pickups from the wheels.


I may take another look at mine and let you know if I find a solution - or hopefully someone else knows a cause and has a solution?!




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