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Requesting Underframe Pipework Photos Please - SR/BR PMV/CCT and GWR Mink G/D

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I'm sorry about asking so many underframe-questions these last few weeks, but I am a total underframe geek, with a little OCD.  But to my question, does anyone have any clear photographs (the real thing or models),or clear diagrams, of the underframes w/ all the pipework for the following wagons... SR/BR PMV/CCT, LNER Extra long CCT, GWR Mink G, GWR Mink D, GWR Bloater.  I have plenty of unopened kits laying around of these wagons but I don't want to start the builds until I know I have all the little bits needed so I can begin soldering once i've completed the body and floor.  This will be my last underframe post, I have tons of information on a wide variety of underframes.  I've been going through ink cartridges like crazy. Thanks


P.S. I did find one photo here on RMWEB of a SR CCT underframe, but I'll take everything I can get.



Edited by niteshadex
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