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  • RMweb Gold



I've got an incline on my layout and I'd like to add two concrete paths at either edge. My first (possibly lazy) thought was to print out paving slabs from a Scalescenes sheet, glue them onto strips of card and glue them to the incline. Having done this the effect isn't brilliant. For a start the incline edge isn't perfect so the strips don't line up perfectly. Then there's the edges. I can cover the outer edge with flock but I'm not sure what to do about the inner edge.


So I'm wondering what the 'proper' technique would be. I'm thinking that perhaps I should be cutting the slabs out and gluing each on individually (maybe some grass between the slabs?). Hopefully that would address the alignment issue but it still leaves me wondering what to use for the inner edge.


For what it's worth eventually I intend to have some 'scaffolding fencing' running alongside the path but have yet to find a way of making that either.




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  • RMweb Gold

I would think it highly unlikely that there would be any man made structure at the top of an embankment like that. There may have been a low wall at the bottom of the embankment if the ground was unstable, soft earth or clay or chalk, but not for any longer than strictly necessary. Railway companies tried to use quickest and cheapest solution wherever possible. Just a bit of darker flock like you have at the bottom of the embankment but as narrow as the paving should look fine. The rest of your scenics are looking great.

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