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Good afternoon folks


 Treated myself to a Hornby class 66 Malcolm logistics services R3886 (66405)  £75  DCC ready and Hornby class 66 decoder R8121 TTS.  £47

MM?   on DC it runs great along the test bed   but installed the R8121 TTS  programmed it on the  program track to my choice no.4  (from default 3) and it stutters like hell..  all installation instructions were followed   DCC  8pin to No.1 on the board  and all sound functions  start up horns etc are fine apart from  running properly  stuttering and the sound stops and I physically tap the loco and it goes through the start up procedure all over again  (button 1 on the elite)   the layout is perfect with all locos running perfectly so what is going on???? I ran the H66 back on the testbed 7ft long track on the dcc elite and again it stuttered so i ran my 3 Bachmann 66's  along with  with the 37 and 20  all ok!!  All my Bachmanns are fine apart from the Hornby (Again) theHornby GWR large prairie i have had the same problem (youchoos decoder installed ) I am absolutely fed up with Hornby now!  all my Bachmanns with 21 pin run like clockwork!  .. 

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  • RMweb Gold

I understand your frustration, all this to-ing and fro-ing with a loco is very demoralising. It sounds as though there is either a loose connection or a temporary short in your TTS Decoder. Is it possible for the pins on the decoder connector to pass right through the socket and touch other components? I'm afraid I am not au fait with the Hornby 66, but if it id running through the start up procedure on every stutter then the power to the decoder is being interrupted somehow..

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  Hi Mate:D  thank you for your reply and the advice it was new when i bought it as with the decoder, I did notice that also it is revving up every so often when standing still and the remedy for that is No.7 on the keypad No.6 on the decoder function sheet which actually revs the engine so to speak dunno why anybody would want that?  to be frank, i think the decoder is faulty as you say,as with the Bachmann 66's they all  sound the horn when starting up , the Hornby isnt doing that as the prototype does given the fact these days when most model rail companies are sending out boffins to record the real item for their locomotives to be realistic.  I have actually switched the 8 pin board round on the loco's board as a last resort as sometimes mistakes are made at any factory.. anyway the  switch on the 8 pin only made it stop doing  certain functions so that wasnt it either! so i did a swap over with my youchoos decoder  from my gwr prairie   it  sounded strange with steam sounds coming from it LOL :lol:  and that worked ok!  so it sounds like the connection to the motor bogie on the Hornby decoder!? as before on DC it runs like the wind so thats out.  the decoder i think!   i will have  look at the connections on the loco board.  i'll let you know what happens!.. 




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  • RMweb Gold

I'm with you. Decoder is malfunctioning. I recommend reaching out to the retailer and asking for their help explaining that your loco works on DC, on DCC with another decoder in, just not with the TTS. Ask them first before going through the rigmarole of returning it and asking for a replacement.


Good luck, this will test as to whether or not you use the retailer again.

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 GOT IT!    I reset the decoder  CV8 = 8   both locos sorted!!   thanks to the retailer!  getting old means its not that easy to teach an old dog new tricks!    after me years ago having a zero 1 !!


cheers for the reply!  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/03/2021 at 19:40, David62 said:

I did notice that also it is revving up every so often when standing still and the remedy for that is No.7 on the keypad No.6 on the decoder function sheet which actually revs the engine so to speak dunno why anybody would want that?

It could be a feature of the loco.

While I don't know the TTS arrangement, Class 66 locos occasionally rev to keep some systems (think air for brakes) working correctly, even if the loco is standing still.

The Legomanbiffo sounds fitted to Hattons' Class 66 also have this feature.

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Ahaa!  so thats it!.. I wondered why it was revving. my Bachmann 66 has this but does it just now and again along with  the spirax valve  (function 11 on the Elite) clicking and then  the Hornby TTS does it about three times  when its standing  idling  and the start up horn doesnt work  as the Bachmann 66 does this every time i get it on starting sequence   but when i did  reset the  Hornby TTS decoder back to factory it  sounded the horn three times as the Bachmann does before it started up!!  god only knows?..  thanks for letting me know  Mate  much appreciated!. 




Edited by David62
spelling error
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