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Hornby & RIVAROSSI steam sound chips - quality? Review?

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I use DCC  and I have sound chipped steam locos, but all done professionally - I AM NO EXPERT!


So, I want to buy a Hornby RIVAROSSI HO gauge USATC 0-6-0T. I can only find (new) ones in the UK which are sound fitted - all my other locos use Soundtrax Tsunami chips and I want to get a view on how the Rivarossi one might compare.


I have searched YOUTUBE for a review and found several but none are of the sound equipped version.




1. I assume that a Hornby RIVAROSSI American loco will have the same sound chip as a Hornby British loco - am I correct?


2. I don't know if Hornby have updated their sound chips, but I loco I plan to buy (new) was actually made in about 2015 just in case they have changed the spec.


3. How good is the Hornby sound chip - I don't  need an all singing and dancing chip, just basic chuff and maybe an American style whistle.



Any thoughts?


Thanks for any help



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53 minutes ago, Richard Croft said:

Theres no TTS decoders in Rivarossi models, its more likely to be Loksound






Wow!  You've just thrown me a curved ball with that news.


I had just about made my mind up not to buy the Rivarossi sound equipped version and wait in the hope of sometime finding a non-sound version and have it fitted with a Soundtrax chip.


Now, I'm dithering again. Are Loksound any good?

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5 minutes ago, TEAMYAKIMA said:


Now, I'm dithering again. Are Loksound any good?


Sorry to make your decision harder, but yes, they are generally regarded as good & I agree with this.

Apart from a failure which was replaced under warranty, I have never had an issue. Functionality & the range of different sized decoders is good.

I will quite happily use Loksound or Zimo, depending on what sound project I want on it. Both can be re-blown with manufacturer's hardware (although Loksound Select is restricted in this respect).

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Richard says "more likely"  -  It is not a certainty at this stage. 


Generally a LokSound is will be as good or better than a Soundtraxx.   But with all things, depends on quality of sounds loaded into it.   However, at this stage its just a candidate.  The decoder might be something awful, or weird like MTH.     

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13 minutes ago, Nigelcliffe said:

Richard says "more likely"  -  It is not a certainty at this stage. 


Generally a LokSound is will be as good or better than a Soundtraxx.   But with all things, depends on quality of sounds loaded into it.   However, at this stage its just a candidate.  The decoder might be something awful, or weird like MTH.     


Hello Nigel


I had hoped to meet up with you again a few months back at the Glasgow show, but maybe one year.


I have just spoken to Hornby and  "as far as I know it will be a ESU chip" - is that good news?


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2 hours ago, Richard Croft said:

ESU is loksound, so if thats the case then its a good quality decoder




I agree with Richard.   ESU make excellent decoders.   
Depending on exact model there may be limitations on what replacement sounds could be loaded if you didn't like the sounds provided.  Other models have total freedom to get replacement sounds (from people such as Richard Croft and numerous other providers).  


Glasgow show - it might happen next year, who knows.   I know the organising team are currently hoping for Feb 2022, but too early to say it will happen and in what exact form. 



- Nigel




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21 hours ago, TEAMYAKIMA said:


Now, I'm dithering again. Are Loksound any good?

Loksound by ESU along with Zimo are simply the best!

 The actual sound itself is always subjective and depends on the original programming/recording not to mention the installation in that particular model and it’s mechanical and electrical setup.

Assuming all that is excellent, these two brands give excellent service and superb motor control.

That has to be amongst the reasons why the world’s best model railway manufacturers tend to fit them as standard, Scaletrains.com, Rapido, ESU themselves, REE and many others.

Speaking of REE, they actually make the S100, complete with sound (& smoke too if you wish) and I can vouch that it is a very high quality model, superior to the Rivarrossi model in every way. It is commensurately more expensive but you get what you pay for.


Edit: Here is a review of the three RTR S100s, Richard’s Bachmann oo and Rivarrossi and in the comments section, my REE, hope it’s useful.

You may also find Richard’s review of the Roco S160 useful too, I believe they also ran in China?



Edited by Allegheny1600
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Thanks for this.


S160 - YES, Roco were going to make a Chinese variant - I ordered one and pre-paid, but they cancelled it due to lack of orders


TBH the loco, the loco is going to be cut up and chopped about so Rivarossi will do - and the cheaper the better!

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From Tim at Hornby


They are mainly ESU - and pretty much always have been.

Occasionally another brand might be used because it's more suitable - space in a model perhaps. The small Spanish 0-6-0 being an example, that takes a CT brand decoder.

TTS is 8 pin . . . so with International mainly being 21 pin it's not an easy option currently.


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