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I am upgrading a Dapol 14xx  with new chassis etc.  You can if careful remove the cab roof. I did this in order to fit a detailed backhead and decent looking glazing. with the roof off it is a fairly easy job to fit a floor and crew.   If you are retaining the original chassis I don't know how you would do it.

I am sorry if I am not much help with this.



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I think I used very skinny blokes left over from something like an Airfix Luftwaffe refuelling set with their uniforms altered. They might have even lost legs or were trimmed a bit.




Shows you how long ago it was. But there was enough space for a thin person, just. But they are going to be near the sides as there isn't much room in there.




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  • RMweb Gold

Mine were de-legged and glued to the inside of the cab doors and plasticard sliding shutters glued inside the cutout back to just ahead of the doors, a not ineffective method of hiding the motor magnet that protruded into the cab.  I did this to a Lima 94xx and Mainline 57xx as well.

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