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Guest Jack Benson



My apologies, please bare with me on this one.


We need an ancient road van for the engineering train parked in sidings, our layout is unashamedly Southern and the forthcoming Hattons 6w full brake is the candidate. But what livery for the early years of BR?


We have ordered the SR green version which we intend to distress and weather but should we use a different approach?  When did the use of BR departmental liveries commence and which would be more appropriate- black or red for ‘48-52? Unfortunately b&w contemporary images are not particularly helpful.


Thanks and StaySafe




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Guest Jack Benson



Hence we have the SR green version on order, it will be distressed and neglected in equal measure.



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I would say the only definite here is 'not red', as Wickham Green too says, far too late.


BR black is a possible, although I suspect that for 48-52 an "ancient road van" in engineers use would be rather a low in priority for the paint shops.


So, whichever former SR suits best most probable. As an ancient van perhaps it would probably already be in the SR's engineers stock livery.

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Guest Jack Benson
33 minutes ago, Ken.W said:


So, whichever former SR suits best most probable. As an ancient van perhaps it would probably already be in the SR's engineers stock livery.

Thanks, would that be crimson red for the late ‘30s



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Guest Jack Benson

The reference to both colours and lettering was sourced from the OPC exSECR wagon book, because there is a Cambrian two-plank open ‘in build’ for the departmental train, sorry for any confusion.  

However as previously mentioned, the full brake on order is the SR lined green version.



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  • RMweb Gold

48-52 was still post war austerity with some items still rationed and products including paint priortisied for export by government policy to deal with a difficult balance of payments problem.  Thus, the availability of paint for such low priority uses as repainting railway vehicles into departmental liveries  was somewhat wobbly.  Wooden opens were not being painted at all at this time.  My familiarity is with the WR, which seemed to vary between matt black and red undercoat, but I imagine the other regions were in the same sort of general boat, and some departmentals would have remained in big 4 liveries for some time.  So, for your road van, heavily weathered and distressed Maunsell green with newer looking number and lettering is probably ok, or a very faded red.  I doubt anyone would object to matt black.

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Guest Jack Benson



Just wondering, is there a source of SR wagon dk brown in acrylic? Not a happy user of solvent based paints.





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Guest Jack Benson
4 hours ago, Steamport Southport said:

No idea about acrylic, but the go to choice back in the day was Humbrol 10 Service Brown. I think that's available as an acrylic. But it may need toning down as it's a gloss.





Hi again Jason,

 Found a seller offering 50ml with free p+p for no more than others selling 14ml tinlets. That size should complete the entire wagon roster. Gloss is not a problem, much easier for applying  decals, it will receive a blast of Dullcote anyhew.



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