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First time poster and dc c user, I have Bachmann 37 fitted with a lok sound v5 chip and speaker which has slow

speed stutter speed steps 1 and 2 it stutters 3 and above its ok.


Track is clean and the model is brand new so the pick ups are clean.

Speed steps are set to 128. I have run it on dc with no problems.


thanks for any help.


regards Steve.

Edited by Vortexwake
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  • RMweb Gold

You could try using the Loksound’s own auto tuning facility.  You do not say which system you are using or how familiar you are with it but you need to know how to alter individual CVs.  The process is as follows


Place the loco on a length of track that is long enough for it to run at full speed for a couple of seconds.  Set speed to 0.

Write 0 to CV54. This is where you need to be familiar with your own system.

Return to normal operation mode and Press F1 - it is at this point that the loco will shoot forward for a couple of seconds then stop.  
That is the fine tuning process complete.


It won’t always work but I have done this for a few locos (Bachman 37 included) and it has improved the slow running no end.


Edited by BoD
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