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how can I renumber the new Heljan Class 86/0 ?

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Based on previous Danish locos, gentle rubbing with a cocktail stick will bring the numbers off.  Although your efforts will polish the surface slightly, this should however result in a decent substrate onto which to key replacement decals. 

Edited by 'CHARD
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  • RMweb Gold

A gentle abrasive - T Cut as above, or really fine and worn wet and dry paper used wet avoiding going too far onto the surrounding paint. At least 1000 grit, but finer if you have it. I wrapped a small piece around a cocktail stick with the pointy bit removed on my 25


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  • RMweb Gold

Although it’s worth seeing if you can remove the number with your thumbnail or sellotape first. The printing really does vary dependent on the factory and their materials.

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Its just taken half an hour to remove central arrow and  cab numbers with tcut and cotton buds, they are quite stubborn on E3156, so as above be gentle and take your time to avoid scratches.



I also use blue tcut as it does not leave white residue in panel lines etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

I did use 1000 grit wet and dry to remove the numbers and arrows, then then T cut to give the areas a little polish. Once the transfers and etched arrows had been fitted the upper body was masked off and the  body  sprayed with satin enamel varnish to seal the transfers and even out the finish. Followed by a light dusting of frame dirt acrylic on the lower body sides, and the same paint on the ends but watered down a lot with thinners.

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