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Changing individual sound effects on Loksound 5, help needed

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I have a Bachmann Baldwin 10-12-D 009 gauge loco with a Loksound 5 decoder fitted. F10 controls the Guards Whistle, which is far too loud compared to the engine sound. According to the ESU manual, CV 331 controls sound slot 10 with a range of 0-128 and a factory default of 128.


I have set CV31 to 16 and CV32 to 1 as per the manual before I tried altering CV331.


However no matter what value I set in CV331, the volume does not change.


Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, please?



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On 11/05/2021 at 20:38, Richard Croft said:

Just because its on F10 doesnt mean its sound slot 10, the sound slots can be mapped to any function. You need to ask whoever made the sound file, which is often SWD for factory fitted locos using ESU decoders. If not, someone with a lokprogrammer might have the same loco and might be able to read the decoder settings to see what sound slot the whistle is.



Thanks Richard, I’ve been in touch with them and got the necessary list of CVs.



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