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Realistic LMS/ex-LMS BLT operation


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55 minutes ago, DavidCBroad said:

That sure is an awkward space. I did a doodle and figured track over the bed was not ideal.  Next i thought shift the bed away from the long wall maybe a foot so track can go behind it  and use the full 11ft. that gives 7ft scenic plus 4ft FY. or 4ft cassettes.

Then I thought have a cassete yard in front of the closet which is put away eac session, maybe along the bottom wall, which either fills the room or has very tight curves which maybe need hiding so I compromised with a long station which goes behind the bed, gentle curves, small goods yard and again cassettes.   Then off plan what if the cassette table was on wheels, clipped to the closet doors and was an elevating table a la Nellyvator so trains came on and were lowered to a cassette yard or FY under the layout.  The table could be stored agaist that bottom wall. 5/6ft cassettes 4 coach / 15 wagon trains.  Might be worth working up in Anyrail if you're interested  



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Screenshot (354).png

That's a pretty neat way to use that space. Having the scenic section be curved is a neat way to use the space. Although it occurs to me that with that much space taken up, it might just be more effective to build a freezer style roundy layout in the same space. I've been looking at a plan called coldean, which fits into a 6'6" x 4'9" space, and it can be easily converted to something of a coiled up end to end layout by eliminating the factory connecting to the fiddle yard, or just not running trains through it. It's a little small though, so maybe extending it out to an 8 x 5'9 would make it look nicer.


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