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Hi all.

I have been working on a class 74 from Silver Fox Models.


 I have recently purchased a sound decoder from DC Kits of there new sound project from Legomanbiffo for the class 74. Obviously it's hard wired as I have used the old Hornby Class 90 chassis.

The sound project has a third rail arc and crackle after installing a couple of mini Blue LEDs under the bogies.

I get the " crackle" sound which works on F17 but am not sure which aux function wire to conect the LEDs to. I was told the 'violet' but this has not worked, trying all the other aux outputs to no avail. I'm guessing that one of the CVs has to be changed to assign the 'arc' to the aux out.

The sound file has been installed on to an ESU lokpilot V4.0 

Any help greatly appreciated ie Mr Legomanbiffo. 

More on my blog as to how the project developed.



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56 minutes ago, griffgriff said:

Sound project  aside ..... that’s a really nice piece of work :)



Thank you Gruff. I have built a lot of kits in my time mainly Southern steam, Adams 02s etc. My second passion is Southern BR Blue and really wanting a Class 74 thought I would have a bash at this. Appreciating it's an old kit and trying to bring it up to more of today's standard, it has fought me all the way.

Getting towards the finished product it has been worth all the fuss.


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