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Building my first layout - Book recommendations

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I'm planning my first layout whilst reading "Railway Modelling the Realistic Way" by Iain Rice and looking for recommendations for other good books. I appreciate there's much information on the internet, but it's also nice to have some books.


Plans so far are for a OO gauge country branchline in the 60's so I can run some steam and diesel, with passenger and goods trains. The focus is more on diesel and goods / shunting and I have space (12' x 10' room) for a through station and a terminus. 

It will probably be in Devon (yeah, another Devon layout!) as it's an area of the country I love and am familiar with, also there's plenty of resources available. 


I'd find most books about the modelling itself interesting (I've been building scale models for many years) and I particularly need to learn about realistic operation and signalling. 


Any suggestions appreciated.




Edited by Standby
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  • RMweb Premium

For signalling in the era you are talking about this book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Model-Railway-Signalling-C-J-Freezer/dp/1852601744 is reasonable. It's 30 years old now so don't expect any advice on linking your signals to a dcc system. 


 The operating https://onlineshop.oxfam.org.uk/freight-train-operation-for-the-railway-modeller/product/HD_300212885?pscid=ps_ggl_OOS+-+Smart+Shopping+-+Books++-+2021_Ad+group&crm_event_code=20REUWWS08&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsbq72Mf48AIVuRkGAB0MFQi2EAQYASABEgJQI_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds is good but out of print so rather expensive in this link. 

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I tend to avoid books, great for initial ideas but they only seem to contain one persons thoughts on how a model railway should be built. 


I prefer to look on RMWeb, Facebook and YouTube to find out how to build anything specific. 


That way you get a better rounded view. 



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