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An oxymoron, I know...

My upcoming layout is being built on a coffee table for space reasons and for the giggles of doing so. I want the controller (a Hornby Select at this stage, but will be upgraded to an Elite when funds justify it) to be permanently attached to the track and the table, but I want it to be able to fold away when not in use.

I've thought about a pull-down tray like you see on some computer desks but I'd like to know what other people have done as well before committing (assuming I can find one).


Oh, and there's going to be a control panel for the points to do the same thing with. Not sure if probe and stud or switch-driven yet, but either way about 20 !! points. Fortunately my local model shop has a healthy supply of peco motors and micro-switches for £4 a set.


All thoughts appreciated!

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Hi Alphonsus,


A couple of options that I have used are removable hinges for a control panel mounting. The other was picture frame mounts.

The pull-down tray sounds a bit difficult as far as integrating into a model railway setup.

The options I used at leat means I can work on the control panel away from the layout if required.






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