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Daniel, you don't say which version of the Peco James 009 kit you've got.  I bought and built one which used the Farish (now Bachmann) N gauge 0-6-0 pannier tank chassis.  Since then, I was given another one.  But the one I was given was somewhat older, unbuilt, but compete set of parts.  That supposedly required the Arnold N gauge 0-6-0 chassis.  That has the bolt hole for fixing the built body to the chassis in a slightly different place - perhaps a couple of millimetres "adrift".  I felt I could tweak the holes and to save money, bought a Bachmann / Farish 0-6-0 Jinty.  ERROR - the body fixing on the Jinty seems to be somewhat different from the older pannier.  Might have to do some careful drilling.


If you have the older Arnold based kit,  you could ask Peco if you can do a swap of the Arnold fixing for the Farish pannier fitting part. 

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What you need is one of the Farish 0-6-0Ts from the mid 1980s onwards.


Old Jinty, Austerity/J94, 57XX. 94XX, inside framed diesel shunter.


Something like this. I'm not saying "buy it" as you should be able to get one cheaper. I'm just pointing out what chassis you need.






Don't use newer Bachmann era Graham Farish as they are scale chassis made for that model and possibly won't fit.




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