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Magazine screen size on ipad & via browsers still not fixed.

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  • RMweb Gold


I posted this issue in Gold Lounge previously when the change to WoR occurred but it has still not been fixed. ALL the magazines via World of Railways are too big when viewed on an iPad browser combination. They do not when viewed through Pocket Mags or Exact editions. Problem is as screen grab image. Can it be fixed please.


As the screen grab shows the width seems roughly correct but the top and bottom are chopped off by parts of the browser structure. The slide to next page also a bit iffy. 




Edited by john new
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  • RMweb Gold
On 02/09/2021 at 14:22, john new said:


I posted this issue in Gold Lounge previously when the change to WoR occurred but it has still not been fixed. ALL the magazines via World of Railways are too big when viewed on an iPad browser combination. They do not when viewed through Pocket Mags or Exact editions. Problem is as screen grab image. Can it be fixed please.


As the screen grab shows the width seems roughly correct but the top and bottom are chopped off by parts of the browser structure. The slide to next page also a bit iffy. 




With everything else going on this is not a matter of urgency.


At the time Andy Y did indicate he would pass it on to IT; however, in going through and reinstating my lost 2021-22 images today on getting to doing this one I can confirm that this is still an unresolved issue, perhaps it isn't resolvable for browser viewing but it is a drawback.

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  • 2 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

One for the Warner’s IT team, is there likely to be any progress on resolving this issue? Compared with reading other magazines via Pocket Mags or Exact reading these titles via a browser does make them harder to navigate.

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  • RMweb Gold

Problem is that it can probably only be addressed by Exact Editions themselves. As would be making the app available again. Nowadays I read it on a Chromebook with a 3:2 screen (and rotatable display). It's no problem there, other than being heavier than an iPad.


It seems to affect certain sizes of magazines — it happened to an extent on the app too, but less noticeably where BRM was affected but RM was not. But the Warner’s mags are all A4—surely it's not that unusual a page size?

  • Interesting/Thought-provoking 1
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  • 4 months later...
  • RMweb Gold
On 15/04/2022 at 21:57, john new said:

With everything else going on this is not a matter of urgency.


At the time Andy Y did indicate he would pass it on to IT; however, in going through and reinstating my lost 2021-22 images today on getting to doing this one I can confirm that this is still an unresolved issue, perhaps it isn't resolvable for browser viewing but it is a drawback.

As the issue is still a live problem is any progress on this possible? Not desperate for a fix to the extent of cancelling my Gold subs but it would be a better read via Gold/WoW if it could be fixed.

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  • john new changed the title to Magazine screen size on ipad & via browsers still not fixed.

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