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Time to start a new workbench topic and try to actually remember to photograph and post some projects I am working on.

Here is a old brass body for a Z class I acquired a while ago and recently dug out as I fancied attacking something with paint stripper. Peculiar old thing even by Z class standards as it seems to be assembled with wobbly looking handrails and a cab far too low so the cab windows are almost semicircular. Also not sure about the rain strips on the cab roof as all photos I can see show these as being less curved looking.


After some paint stripper and a overnight soak for good measure the body is now looking a lot better and I can see how it was assembled. Copper handrails account for the wobble and despite its peculiarities it’s still a impressive thing so I’d like to get it decent looking and running.


I have been fortunate enough to get my hands on a Wrenn 8F chassis which I think will suit the loco pretty well but this will require removing the bunker interior to make some room for the motor. I also need to have a go at raising the cab as there is more material to the front and back parts of the cab which are currently sitting below the surface I am just unsure how to deal with the roof on this. I guess it’s a case of fire up the soldering iron and try my best to get the cab and back end apart but any advice or suggestions from people will be greatfully received.

I do have a few other projects on the go but I will try to stick at some long enough to get them finished.


Edited by OliverSR
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  • OliverSR changed the title to OliverSR’s Workbench of Bodges - Old Brass Z Class

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