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I was only six at the time and living in England but I remember hearing 'The have bombed Pearl Harbour'!  Who were these , I thought and soon found out when they invaded Hong Kong!  The war was a game for me; I pleaded for an aeroplane for Christmas which my Dad produced;  he made it out of wood but it wasn't a bad representation.  I kept it for ages!  I was pretty good at aircraft rec also and bought those books with black silhouettes.  I later learned from a movie that a flight B17s were intercepted over Hawaii, another famous incident of American nonchalance  when they switched off the radar and went home.  Little did I know I was to live near Hamilton Field, the base of those B17s, years later!


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Eighty years on....


We tend to think of Pearl Harbor as the first aggression in the Pacific Theatre, but due to time zone differences overlook that the Japanese invasion on the East coast of Malaya (and first bombing raids on Singapore) began around an hour an a half earlier.  The Americans failed to heed warnings, neglecting to disperse their aircraft in the Philippines which rendered them an easy target for the air attack two and a half hours after Pearl Harbor.

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9 hours ago, EddieB said:

... the Japanese invasion on the East coast of Malaya (and first bombing raids on Singapore) began around an hour an a half earlier.

Hong Kong was invaded just a few hours after the Pearl Harbor attack - technically December 8, local time. 

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