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I have a OO layout at the moment but I’m thinking about trying N scale.  I imagine that there are lots of standard modelling methods for OO that won’t be right for N.

First of these that comes to mind is track underlay.  Is it needed?  At the smaller scale, any imperfections in cork or foam are going to make running trains wobble? Not worried about noise deadening but how can you form a ballast shoulder?  Any sort of card will distort with ballast glue.  Thick plastic sheet won’t bond.


Any suggestions?


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On Modbury I used 0.8mm bass wood, glued to baseboard top with PVA, weighted of course while it dried. Once dry the whole was rubbed over with a fine glass paper (or it may have been emery paper - can’t remember) just to take any minor humps off and to ensure joints between pieces were level.


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On Kirkallanmuir I've used card (backing from MRJ envelopes) on the main running lines only.  Glued on with a liberal coat of PVA and then given a further coat once secure.  Not had any issues with it so far over ten plus years.



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Hi there I use a layer of foam under the trackbed which gives a nice shoulder, ie code 55 in my case. I glue the cork down with pva then glue the track to the cork with copydex. For any curves I use small screws between the sleepers, when you ballast the track later you can not see where the screws where. By the way do not put copydex where the screws are located because when you remove them the copydex wraps round them, don't ask how I know that...lol.

Jinty 7309 coming out of Nuttall tunnel. [1600x1200].jpg

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