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I have just watched the YouTube clip of the pony truck fitting. The difference on centre height between 82045 and the class 08 shunting it appears to be a good 3" in old measurements. I suddenly feel better about my long stalled project. Would someone better informed care to comment?

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  • RMweb Gold

Any locomotive, or item of rolling stock for that matter, will have a degree of play allowed by the springs, and assuming 82045's buffers are higher than the 08 this is normal and to be expected,  The buffer has a head of a size and shape determined by the length of the vehicle and the sharpness of the curves it is intended to operate over, so long locomotives and vehicles may have oval buffers and industrial shunting locos working on very sharp curves may have very large diameter buffers.  The buffer head will be capable of dealing with any difference in height, which may be caused by loading, or the 'sit' of the vehicle on a curve, especially a superelevated one, or uneven track.  3 inches sounds well within bounds.

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