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My 3 level railway - British OO Gauge, Japanese N Gauge, and Lego

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Hi folks, I've spent about 4 months building a 3 level layout for my British OO, Japanese N and Lego and it's finally finished*. Hope you like the video.


Feel like I have an encyclopedic knowledge of how to build a layout in a shed now, from insulation to wiring etc to the removeable bridge for the door,  so if anyone has any questions happy to advise. Bridge has copper strips underneath to keep the connection, and is lifted up to leave the room, with a section of the scenery swinging open. Need to step over the Japanese one to leave which is a bit tricky but there's a handlebar on the outside to help. None of it is digital - Gaugemaster and Kato controllers respectively but with the Hornby HMDC app to control the two branch lines. Lego is battery powered, remote control. Shed is well insulated, have a heater and a dehumidifier in there.


*Lots of little details to add to the British one from signals to passenger bridges to station names etc (and a cricket ground one corner) but the laborious work is finally over, now on to the fun stuff: running trains and adding little details.



Edited by drt7uk
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