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Before the present conditions threw everyday life into turmoil we used to have to steam festivals. One in Sydney and one in Maitland which is north of Newcastle on the central coast. They too had a great train race which like the one in Sydney was actually just parallel running with trains taking it in turn to take the lead. Which ever loco reached the end first was deemed to have won the "race". Some people think that this is highly dangerous but it isn't for the rule book is not thrown out the proverbial window. If you suffer adverse signals then you have to slow down or even stop, for there's no mindset of "I'm in a race come what may".



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Just discovered this festival by chance on YouTube - still going as of 2023.  Four track main line, parallel steam operation.



Screen grab from this video:



Prototype for everything! 


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Yes but there was a huge delay in resuming them due to the virus. The Maitland one would have dates set for the festival and participants organised only to be cancelled at the last minute. The governments in Australia had prepared plans for how to handle a pandemic situation but that was all thrown out the window when the pandemic happened. They hit the panic button instead and scenes of the authoritarian state or government overreach where shown by the media round the world. This is the Australia no tourist video ever mentions.  

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