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I am doing to pre layout build research and I am interested in dcc automation. I currently own a Piko SmartControl, which I know is based off the ESU CabControl. Would I be most sensible to be looking at ESU products for automation as they are mostly likely to be compatible with my current dcc control unit? Further information on this would be greatly appreciated

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12 hours ago, Drew-1986 said:

…... I currently own a Piko SmartControl, which I know is based off the ESU CabControl……

“based off”?

It’s essentially the same system Drew.

IIRC, the handbook states that you can use the ESU accessory modules and computer software compatibility is the same as for the ECoS and CabControl.

As far as alternative products, I assume compatibility with 3rd party brands, will be the same as for the ESU systems.



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That’s what I thought, just thought I’d ask, before spending any further time on this. Would I also be correct to assume it’ll require either ESU 50097 L Net Adapter or Piko 55044 SmartControl Loconet Converter before I even add either ESU or third party automation systems?

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I think that you should be aware that there appear to be some issues getting the ESU Cab Control system to interact properly with automation programs when used with ESU ECoSDetectors and the ECoSLink Network. I am aware that iTrain is trying to resolve the issue and questions have been asked of ESU in the US and Germany. According to the US users the problems don't seem to exist when people have transitioned from Digitrax to ESU Cab Control and continue to use the Digitrax detectors and accessory decoders using the ESU L.Net Converter for the feedback data.


This may be resolved soon, or it may be a bit longer...

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