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Having followed the instructions to fit a Lenz Silver 21 pin in my sons Helijan railbus - Park Royal DCC fitting - it runs (well, as well as everyone else says) via JMRI, and I can turn the internal lights on/off - all be it using the Bell - in Engine Driver, but I can't get the directional lights to work. 
I've tried a few options of remapping the F0(f) and F0(r) tick box, but to no avail. 
If I jiggle the power to my test track I can get the lights to flicker, so it seems likely a mapping issue rather than a wiring issue, but not sure what. 




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The headlights/tail lights ought to work on F0 (or "light" key as the default in EngineDriver).   You shouldn't need to program anything.  


If you've been programming, I suggest a decoder reset (there's a reset menu on the JMRI window for the decoder), and start again.  If the lights don't work on the F0 (light) button, that would suggest a wiring issue to me, not a decoder issue. 


The labels in EngineDriver are settable inside JMRI for each loco - the "labels and media" button from the Roster list of locos.  So, you can have labels which make sense for your locos, rather than the default. 



- Nigel

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 You should have a 'Lights' tab on JRMI which may give you the option of setting the 'White wire' effect to be 'Constant bright light'

If not, looking at the manual p33 you should have a value of 8 in CV 33 and 16 in CV 34 assuming outputs A and B are linked to the lights. 

My first guess would be faulty wiring though. 

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