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Last night I finally gave in and ordered a Bachmann Ransom & Rapier breakdown crane.  Given that there wasn’t one based in Newton Abbot or Laira in the late 40s the closest option is either Bristol no19 or Canton no18.


however so far after reviewing the internet and my books I’ve not found photos of the support coaches at either of those depots.


Does anyone have more information?


I know there are currently no kits available so looks like it will be a scratch building (or etching/printing) job to make them, but I need something to work from.


would they be the same / similar to the designs at OOC which are shown in Russell?



edit: Just seen another post refering to crane 19 actually being based in Swindon in 47 so will also be interested in the Swindon support vans 

Edited by The Fatadder
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  • The Fatadder changed the title to Bristol, Swindon or Cardiff breakdown train vans in the 40s

By 1941 Cardiff had a small breakdown train comprising Pilot Vans numbers 37, 38, 110 and 117.  Sorry I can't do much for the match truck except suggest you look at the build dates in Tourett and select one that matches the purchase date for the crane.


37 was an ex iron mink number 47266 originaly built in 1889 and converted in 1941 as a Temporary Breakdown Van and painted brown, condemned 1958


38 was also an ex iron mink, number 57411 originally built in 1893 and converted in 1941 as a Temporary Breakdown Van


110 was a purpose built Pilot Van 31' long x 8' wide and 7'2 tall.  It was one large compartment, sliding door each side, max weight including tare 19 tons 10 cwts (tare 11t 10cwt when built 13t 4cwt by 1941 - it appears that even rolling stock puts on weight as it gets into old age!).  It was a 6 wheeler, 19' wheelbase with 6' long springs.  Gas lighting and steam heating fitted in 1920.  Painted brown in 1941.  Condemned at Cardiff in 1957


117 was a purpose built (in 1904) Pilot Van 27'9 long x 8' wide and 7'2 tall.  I think it had 3 compartments for Officals, Workmen and Guard, max weight including tare 15 tons (tare was 10t 6cwt).  Gas lighting and steam heating fitted in 1920.  Also painted brown in 1941.  In was photographed at Machynlleth in 1960 see https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/gwrdeptcoach

Edited by Penrhos1920
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