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Zimo 696 chip/speaker failure??


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I have a Zimo 696 chip in a Heljan 0 gauge  class 20.  Yesterday it ran through a point and probably short circuited.  Not unusual.   Normally the loco would stop, sound cuts out, and then reset F1 to bring the loco back to life. In this instance The power reset but the loco wouldnt run with sound.  The lights are still controllable, and the loco will run under power, but  no sound on any function.   Could I have blown the speaker, or what?  The chip clearly isnt dead as I still have some control available. I havent got to swapping the speaker yet as its buried under the chip ……if you have one you’ll know that there isnt masses of room in the class 20 body. 

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1 - leave loco without any power for 1 day.  Then try again just incase something randomly sorted itself. 


2 - talk to your supplier of decoder.   


3 -  possibly a decoder reset (write CV8=8, the read value of CV8 will not change) will take things back to the "as from the sound provider" state before fitting to the loco, you'll have to re-do any changes you made to the decoder, such as address and any other changes.     
If not fixed, it will have to go back to the supplier to resolve.   If supplier unknown or no longer around, then talk to one of the larger Zimo dealers about how to get it sorted out.  


Shorting on the track should not be able to blow a speaker, or damage things.  

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