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2 mm embossed plastikard


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I live in Norway and I am planning to model a small layout based on the Scottish west-coast region in N gauge.


I can not find any available embossed plastikard in 2 mm useful for stonebuildings/-structures in Norwegian model-shops. I therefore have to order it from UK.


Based on the webpictures, I can not figure what brands/ types of embossed plastikard are the best and most realistic for stone buildings. Are there any recommandations on what brands and types are the most detailed and realistic...?


I also need the same type of recommandation for plastikard for slates to the roof of the buildings...?

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On 08/11/2022 at 16:26, simonmcp said:

Can you get this in Norway?




For the walls and this




for the roofing 






Thank you for your answer!

I have seen the Ratio products, and I have bought  some of them. They are not for sale here, but can be ordered from the UK.


I think the Ratio-sheets for the wall are more likely to use for retaining walls etc than buildings. I might be wrong, but I get the impression that the stones are to big for house walls.


The slates from Ratio are in quit small sheets, and I am looking for wider sheets to cover more roof in one piece.

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On 08/11/2022 at 18:00, Dorsetmike said:

Slaters do embossed plastikard in 2,4, and 7mm scales plus a few items in 3mm, various brick, stone and tile textures.


Thank you for your answer!


I have watched the flyer from Slaters, and I like the details and the size of the sheets. I guess «Dressed stone» is the most suitable for building-walls?


I find the sheets quite thin, but I guess I need to build the structures with thicker plain cards and then cover them with the Slaters afterwards?


Is Slaters the brand with the best detailed products in 2 mm?

Edited by PerR
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/11/2022 at 11:42, PerR said:

I find the sheets quite thin, but I guess I need to build the structures with thicker plain cards and then cover them with the Slaters afterwards?


That is what most people do. Plain plastikard is available in quite a lot of thicknesses (40 thou is effectively 1mm thick).


All the best



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