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Emergency baseboards for a small Christmas railway 'tableaux'.

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For last Christmas my inlaws presented me with a rather charming Marklin Z-gauge Christmas railway set. I had been toying with the idea of making a scenic baseboard to run it on but due to my usual indolence hadn't actually got around to doing anything about it. I was spurred into action recently when SWMBO announced that she would like to see it running as two friends were coming to see us, both of whom are railway buffs. What could I do with 3 or 4 days to spare! I will outline the gory details in a series of posts.



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Hmmmm. The oval of track supplied was a little under 52 cm along the long axis and a little under 40 cm along the short axis. Was there a short cut which would avoid carpentry related angst? the I remembered seeing some plain wooden trays in one of our local 'The Works', a chain of shops selling books, stationary and art/craft materials. These were about 26.5 cm by 40 cm. Bingo! So I bought two. Normally they are £7 each but they were on 1/2 price special offer  so they came in at £7 for the pair. So far so good.



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To keep things simple and as the display is was just meant to be temporary for this Christmas I decided to see if I could get away with just bolting them together. I marked out three equidistant points in the short side of one of the trays and drilled holes to match some small bolts. Then I married the trays together to make matching marks in the second tray. These were then drilled to a lightly larger diameter than the first set so as to allow some 'play' when bolting the two trays together. This advisable as one was a couple of mm deeper than the other.



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SWMBO then painted the top with one coat of white emulsion which I thought gave an effect of drifting snow. Then I placed the oval of track on it. Whoops! Er, erm, measure twice, buy trays once! It was a bit tighter than I had figured. However I decided I could just about get away with it.



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Decoration now commenced. I bought from a local pound shop a polar bear, a santa, an ice palace and a snow covered house. From 'The Works' were obtained a packet of little wooden Christmas trees whch SWMBO very kindly painted. She also had the genius idea of putting some strips made from Christmas napkins around the edge of the baseboard.



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