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Hornby R3759GWR Dean Single 4-2-2 "Achilles"

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I recently purchased the above locomotive which is DCC ready. I notice that the tender has plastic wheels! I'd like to replace them with metal ones. Has anybody managed this and if so, where can I obtain said wheels? Fingers crossed.

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I don't know how similar the latest ones are to the original Tri-ang ones, but on these the tender axleguards can be levered out (gently) to release the wheels and allow their replacement. Obvviously the new axles have to be the same length. ,

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The old Lord of the Isles had plastic wheels with a wheel and a half axle moulded as one unit slipped over a steel axle.  I had several of these tenders over the years.  Those "Half" wheels could move sideways along the axles to allow it to get round 1st and original grey track 13" radius curves.  Modern replacements are not available.  You can probably make some  with a lot of hassle , but  if you fit Romford / Markits wheels you lose the sideplay and 3rd radius becomes about the minimum possible, or if you shorten the axles to get sideplay the axles can disengage from the axle boxes.    It should be possible to fit the Grange or Castle wheels and inside frames to the tender, maybe with pickups as well, but there is no easy straightforward solution as far as I am aware.

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I cannot guarantee the spoke count or wheel diameter of the prototype,  but on several of my "Lord of the Isles" type locomotives I purchase cheap Mainline or Bachmann locomotives,  such as the 43XX and use the tender wheels from them.

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For once the tender wheels are the right diameter (prototype 4' 1½").



The centre axle requires some play (sideways and up and down) to avoid derailment.

The tender I fitted to my Kitmaster 'City of Bristol 3712' has a K's tender drive and the centre wheels run on

a Peco Insulaxle (for slop and essential anti-magnetic properties). She is on the to-do list for rebuilding!

Edited by Il Grifone
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