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Signals and Indicators

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I have seen online videos of a Signal or an Indicator to you a NUMBER that will mean point is changed, there is the 1,2,3 Aspect on a POLE, there is this BLACK Background and there is a number of LEDS showing a Number of this Point ahead.

What I have seen online to me it seems to be about 12inches Square, luckily this is in Scale with HO. I have drawn a Sketch, although not perfect but show show you what I wish to make.

I am planning to use Arduino Mega, a PCB Board, 3mm LEDS, 0.75mm Fiber Optic Cable.

without the right measurements I can not start, as I am hoping to be close to the HO SCALE, this will be a Working Model for a set of points that I have in mind.

THANKS for your time


Fiber Optic Signals.jpg

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2 minutes ago, kiwi42 said:

I have seen online videos of a Signal or an Indicator to you a NUMBER that will mean point is changed, there is the 1,2,3 Aspect on a POLE, there is this BLACK Background and there is a number of LEDS showing a Number of this Point ahead.

What I have seen online to me it seems to be about 12inches Square, luckily this is in Scale with HO. I have drawn a Sketch, although not perfect but show show you what I wish to make.

I am planning to use Arduino Mega, a PCB Board, 3mm LEDS, 0.75mm Fiber Optic Cable.

without the right measurements I can not start, as I am hoping to be close to the HO SCALE, this will be a Working Model for a set of points that I have in mind.

THANKS for your time


Fiber Optic Signals.jpg




From your description, what you've seen is a Standard Alphanumeric Route Indicator. They indicate the destination of the route that is set forward from the signal rather than whether the points have change specifically


They are about 600mm square in real life, but you'll struggle to get a scale model of a working one, especially in HO due to the size of the components. Absolute Aspects are the only ones who I can think of who do a working one (for example: 00 Gauge - 3 Aspect with Route Indicator | 00 Gauge | Three (absoluteaspects.com))



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This is a Copy, from STAFFORD STATION, UK of what I believe is that represents my ROUGH DRAWING, which I believe can be made with the help of 0.75mm Fiber Optic - my calculations are 

0.75mm x 6 - 4.5mm, which may well be too big for HO SCALE, however

0.75mm x 5 = 3.75mm, having this measurement I could live with being aa little bigger than HO Scale 3.5mm to 12 inches.


Hoping for more input from UK


Signal_Indicator Board.jpg

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If I understand you correctly I think what you are looking for is a Colour Light and Theatre Indicator. I have attached a picture of one I made earlier (as they say on the cooking programs), sorry its upside down.

It is to OO scale i.e. 1/76, but it would not look out of place on a HO model. I scratch built it except for the LEDs and 7 segment display. It is fully working using a Picaxe, however you could drive it using an Arduino if you wish. The signal is 2 aspect Red / Green, with an Associated Light (2 white) and a 7 segment display, which can give you 0 to 9 and A to F.

I used the signal on my last layout at the station throat. It was a 4 track station with a Goods Loop ("L" on the display) and a Goods Siding ("S" really a '5'  on the display). The Associated Light gave access to the Loco Shed.

If this is what you are looking for please let me know and I can send you my design documents.

All the best


Colour Light and Theatre Indicator.jpg

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