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How do you hide your hinges?


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I'm not sure if this is a layout topic as such, but it seems as if it might be. 


I have a layout around the full perimeter of a room, and consequently have a lifting section on hinges to allow me to enter and leave easily. 


I'll be getting around to landscaping that part of the layout at some point soon, and I've began to ponder the quetion of how to disguise the hinges. I've thought about some sort of lineside building or maybe pop a bush over the top, but I think if I do that, the hinges may lift the feature providing the disguise and I'll need to continually re-attach it.


How do you disguise yours, or do you just accept that hinges exist and leave them visible?

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Good call SkiPepsi - something big enough to lift on and off would be a good shout.


I'm in the carriage today, so I'll get a snap of the hinges (please don't judge me, the hinges are a quick and dirty job to get the railway up and running and prove to me that it would work). I've got literally no landscaping on that part of the layout at the moment - it is just a flat board, a couple of feet square, with two loop lines and a siding.


As I said, I'm out fiddling and faffing today, so I'll get a snap or two and pop them on this thread


Thank you for the repsonses. 

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Here’s a couple of quick and dirty pics. 

as I said, the layout is very much a work in progress (I’m actually kit bashing today, hence the detritus) but you can see what I’ve currently got to work with, and also a shot with some small locos in for scale. 



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3 hours ago, DickBrowne said:

Here’s a couple of quick and dirty pics. 

as I said, the layout is very much a work in progress (I’m actually kit bashing today, hence the detritus) but you can see what I’ve currently got to work with, and also a shot with some small locos in for scale. 



There's not really enough clearance between the nearest and middle track and the hinge block for a building so I think a bridge would be the obvious disguise. You could of course be imaginative and just model the piers of a now dismantled railway bridge- that way you could have bushes beyond the far parapet and maybe model the derelict track or its remains on an embankment leading up to the near parapet. 

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