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Help! Anyone know how I can get hold of Appleworks for Windows?


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Bit of a long story. I've been using Claris Works for many a year. I've kept up with the newer versions over the years, as I've used it for a particular (rail related) project database. (It has certain options that I like in my project). This week I've had to change my C drive as it was beginning to fail - caught it in time!. I've now got the new drive 99% up and running, but can't find my copy of AppleWorks (I possibly downloaded it rather than a hard copy). AppleWorks was the later version of Claris after being taken over by Apple.
I've managed to download an update to v6.2, which claims to update v6.0 to the final(? version, but that won't do anything without the main program (v6.0) installed. And that of course, seems to be unavailable on the web....
Doesn't anyone know where I can download it, or even have a copy they could forward to me? I've tried ebay, some Mac versions available (apparently it was well liked in the publishing trade), but nothing for windows that I can find. Reasonable costs paid.

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