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Wiring Peco SL-393F N Gauge Short Crossing

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I need to wire a Peco N Gauge short crossing as mentioned in the title. As I understand I have two options, one being to use DPDT switch, the other DCC80 Gaugemaster Autofrog.

There are four wires coming from the crossing so if I went for the DCC80 option does that mean I would need four of them (I already have one sitting in a box) or can I use two by somehow piggybacking a pair of wires.

As for the DPDT I have looked at the instructions that come with the crossing and the Peco 'Shows You How' Wiring the layout (No21), but both only show two wires coming out as opposed to the four on the one I have. I may well be missing something here.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.


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Hi there in response to yiyr query on peco short crossing.  on my DCC layouts with diamond crossings , I like to wire the crossings in the way outlined below and after 7 years I have had no issues. Firstly All the points joining the crossover I put insulated  rail joiners in as the crossover is independently wired. The two leads wires from the K crossing the knuckles I wire to the DCC bus or too your dpdt throw switch connected to the DCc bus for when the associated leading point is thrown. The two wires to the frog crossings I wire to a Frog juicer, I tend to use the TAM valley duel one , not the six one as I prefer not to have any frog polarity switching by any other point so the crossing is self contained. From the frog juicer just wire to your DCc bus.

DCc concepts web site was some interesting articles on wiring diamond crossovers on double junctions . 


Any problems email off the forum 

Edited by 4firstimes
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