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Does anyone have a January 1967 Model Railway Constructor in their collection?  If so, would it be possible for you to scan a couple of pages for me please?


I am producing an archive of press articles for Twickenham & District MRC and there is an article in that magazine about the club's 102ft long TT layout called 'The Monster' - it was actually three members' layouts combined to make one big one - now I know where Pete Waterman got his idea from  😉





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  • TEAMYAKIMA changed the title to January 1967 Model Railway Constructor - help wanted
1 hour ago, flubrush said:

Attached are the two pages.  I've scanned them at 600dpi.  I thought there might have been some pictures. :-)





 Many thanks. Yes the lack of photographs seems rediculous to us in 2024, but things were very different back then. Luckily I do have a photo of the layout which an Ex-member sent me some years ago. 


Thanks again 



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