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  • RMweb Gold

Hello All!


This is something rather interesting, The Dynamis Ultima - Wireless DCC Controller from Bachmann. This is potentially the only DCC controller you ever need buy, here is what it can do!


Operate Wirelessly

Control up to 100 individual turnout/point addresses

Supply 5 amps to the Track without a track booster

Control the Locomotive in 14/28/128 speed steps, it up to you what you choose.

Control multiple trains at a time, but due to the 5 amp power you can run about 6-8 heavy power thirsty trains at a time.

Program and Re-program you DCC Chips

Change CV's easily, this is probably one of the most easy and intuitive DCC systems out there.

The backlit LCD screen means you can actaully see the screen even in the day. (I could name a few other controllers that struggle with this).

Comes with a Wireless Range extender meaning you can ensure that it will work reliably.


The Dynamis Ultima contains the Following things:

Dynamis Ultima Bass Station

Wireless Hand Set

Infared Receiver

Infared Extender

SA Transformer


Price: £200 Including Postage!


I have use the Dynamis Ultima at clubs, meet ups, my home layout, Events, ect, it is reliable, has great support, a very user friendly feel and interface, the manual is actually understandable to a new person meaning even if you are starting out this is one of the better choices. The controller is also surdy and compact with out being heavy or cumbersome. It also manages to look like it was made in the last decade, which is a bit of a rarety in DCC controllers.

I have used Gagemaster, NCE Powercabs, Hornby DCC controllers and they are all good and have there advantages, but I keep coming back to the Dynamis Ultima, being able to move around the layout with the controller has some pretty compelling advantages. The Throttle control is I think what does it for me.


You can also get addons for this if needed, the Dynamis ecosystem is quite a well thoughtout and expandable one, but due to it being 5 amp you can run N, HO, OO and O scale layouts with ease, with out encountering any issues. So it is going to be suitable for pretty much everyone wanting to run DCC no matter the gauge or layout size.


Any questions; just ask and I'll do my best to answer them.




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