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Hornby decoder reverting to address 3.


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  • RMweb Premium

This has happened a number of times now with different decoders and locos.angry.gif

Working fine for a while and then reverting to 3. Happened again this morning on my Heljan Western Champion. Running along just fine then stops dead. Because this had happened before I immediately tried it on 3 and off it went. All the other setting have remained unchanged. Not had time to look yet, but it is probably one of the older R8219 (icon_question.gif ) type. Others that have done this have stubbornly refused any attempt to re-address them. I will check tomorrow morning if it will reprog', but can't fit in another loco as the loco with the address 3 has got a decoder that had the same problem.


Any other with this problem, or advice on resolving it.icon_question.gif

Using a Multimaus, but had same problem with my sons Select.

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It's also possible that the Hornby chip is being overloaded by the Heljan motor. The Hornby chips (R8215 and R8249) have maximum continuous current capacity of only 1/2 Amp (500mA) and Heljans are known to be rather heavy current users (I don't know if this particular model is), needing a chip with a higher current capacity.

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