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Just when you thought your ears were safe ELP return...


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Looking back, Mini Moogs and sticking daggers into Hammond organs seems so......ermm.... "Quaint". wacko.gif


Nice to see this happening though. Welcome back.... I hope it Works.

No doubt there will be press interviews, where the band will Tarkus through the story of the reunion.

Maybe it was destined From the Beginning.

Fans will be Closer to Believing it's finally going to happen and will want to Tank them for doing it. C'est la Vie.

...sorry, I couldn't ELP it! icon_redface.gif



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  • RMweb Premium

Much as I love most prog rock, I always made an exception with ELP who I loathed apart from "Lucky Man" (which I saw Greg Lake perform with Jethro Tull last year, it was great).

I tried to get into them once by buying a "Best Of" CD: I failed miserably.

Great musicians playing tedious music IMHO - if they'd had a full time lead guitarist it might have helped.

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