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N gauge MBA and MCA


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Have just seen mention in the November edition of ModelRail that these will not be produced now, because Farish are doing them, but some other modern wagons will be done instead. Common sense has prevailed.


Yep, obviously a sensible decision. But what new wagon will replace them? How about bringing forward the silver bullets?



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi folks,


From chatting to Dave Jones at the Open Day, I'm not sure the Silver Bullet could be "speeded up" since it is being produced as quickly as possible!


I wonder when they will announce what they are doing instead of the MBA/MCA...




Ben A.

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Guest eddie reffin

Without turning this into a W***L*** , I would love to see the bogie timber wagons which I would imagine to be a relatively simple step on from the existing Cargowaggons. Currently used on the Carlisle-Chirk, they have/are used on the WHL as well.


Dapol are doing a lot of new locos and units but IMHO it would be good to have some of the remaining gaps in the wagon/coach types filled. I know that they wont be as attractive to some who just collect but given the limited numbers produced, I have quite a few half finished rakes of wagons !




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A sensible decision to avoid duplication of types with Farish.


How about, off the top of my head, EWS MHA "Coalfish", F/L HIA Bogie Hoppers, both pretty in widespread

use about the network.


Any of the types from the Yeoman/ARC/Hanson/Mendip Rail/National Power fleets would be nice, though

of course the POA is available already. And if either Dapol or Farish could see their way to producing

a Class 59 (surely it's got to come!) I think it would sell well.



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And if either Dapol or Farish could see their way to producing a Class 59 (surely it's got to come!) I think it would sell well.



It is possible to convert a Dapol class 66 in to a class 59 - I managed it recently (and there should be a write up in the next DEMU UPdate magazine) plus I believe EWSjo of this parish has been involved in producing a 3D computer printed body.






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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Anthony,

That's a fantastic conversion Grahame! Sadly beyond my modelling skills I suspect but very impressive.

Not being a member of DEMU (I should really join at Warley!) is there a way of non members getting a

copy of your article?


Failing that, you could always check out Grahame's DRT thread from about a third of the way down page 12 - although I reckon all of that thread is worth a good look cool.gif


Regards, Gerry.

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