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Blog- Captain Electra's Blog - If you ever go across the sea to Ireland...

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...actually, I've never been but, it seems, there is a growing following for Irish N Gauge. I have had a few requests in the past to produce overlays for IR coaches and thought "why not?"


Given that a lot of IR stock is of UK design, such as the Mark 2 and Mark 3 coaches, these have been fairly easy to replicate, thanks to some superb web resources like Fotopic. As I already produce the Class 442, modifying the artwork for the hauled IR Mark 3s is fairly easy and the finished coach really looks different to the UK counterparts.


The most fun conversion I'm working on is the IR Class 2700 DMU, which looks a little like a 158 (which i've used as a basis), though has doors in the three-quarter positions like a 165. It won't be the most perfect scale model but should give a good representation of the prototype.


Tomorrow I'm going to have a bash at the Class 6100 Mark 3 Control Trailer - a sort of DBSO (without the B) - it's going to involve some butchery to one or Mr. Farish's finest.






It's a little wonky and I haven't cut the windows out yet but looks like an interesting little DMU...



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