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Blog- Marshland and Moxley Light Railway - Pictures are too large, posts are too slow

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I've been thinking about the posts on here and in particular the picture sizes I see (right click and 'properties') ones that are 800k to 1.5meg and quite honestly a lot of them are so poor they could be shown as 20k images. I have unsubscribed from several threads because of the bandwidth, I use a little free application called NetMeter and it races along with some of the threads on here


I must admit I've been letting it slip a bit lately and loading 100k ones, in future I will keep in to 50k.


Here's one at 55k and it's 800px wide




This pic is actually larger than the station interior that it depicts



There are free programs that will reduce pic file and linear sizes;


The easiest is Irfan View: http://www.irfanview.com/ anyone who can upload a pic to this site would be able to use this easily.


More difficult but with plenty of support is The Gimp: http://www.gimp.org/ there are posts on this site with tutorials on how to make station signs for instance.



I will be abandoning my fairly huge Marshland and Moxley thread and staring a new one later today.







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