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Which tone of varnish required?

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Just wanting to renumber and add some additional decals to a Farish B1.


More often than not I end up using testors dullcote on the loco to seal the transfers down, usually the locos are heading for a dose of weathering anyway and to my eye anyway the matt looks suits working engines.


However I want to do at least one loco in near works condition, so after renumbering what varnish should I be using to replicate a close to ex works effect.

I'm thinking satin to be honest but just looking for actual experiences. I think full gloss might be way to much.


Thanks in advance


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The only use for gloss varnish on a model is for protection. (IMO)


Gloss varnishes are considerably harder wearing than either satin or matt. Additionally they can usefully be used to help transfers seal properly as they provide a perfectly smooth surface for a transfer to adhere to, so often the advice is to apply a coat of gloss varnish, then any transfers, followed by a finishing coat of satin or matt according to taste. The problem with a gloss finish is that it gives a very "toy like" appearance, making colours appear bright and shiny. You must also remember that with a gloss finish you have to contend with reflections of the surroundings so if you are in doors you might find overhead lights in particular become distracting reflections. Of course if you are running large scale in the garden then this can be to some extent ameliorated. If this is the look you are going for then...


The downside of using a matt or satin varnish is that it will dull your paint finish to a greater or lesser degree.


Myself I find that I prefer a Matt finish in 4mm and below and Satin for scales above. You will find there are degrees of "mattness" in varnishes and so it is best to experiment on a scrapper first as it is a personal choice thing.


Oh and buy your Matt and Satin varnishes from the same paint manufacturer you can safely mix them if your matt is too matt but your satin is too shiny!

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