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Track Weathering with Railmatch Aerosols.

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As I have no access to a computer at home at the moment, work on my layout is coming on strong. I have started to weather my track using Railmatch Aerosols. Normal track doesn't seem to be a problem, but I'm a little concerned about starting on the points, of which I have 2 Double Slips. I have been masking off the sleepers, and applying a fine spray on both sides of the rail. So what I need to know is what is the best way to mask the off the points and slips?


Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

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I have to admit I don't mask anything when spraying weathering track and ballast. I find it too much like hard work and totally unnecessary.

Remembering all my points have live switched frogs and therefore live switch rails that do not depend on the contact with the stock rail for supply ... in fact quite a lot of them are cut and bonded as well, though not all.


Then the track gets an overall spray. Followed by washes of various muddy colours.


If paint gets on the top of the rail - of course it will then it is wiped off with IPA on a cotton bud or similar. Certainly NEVER scratched to destruction with a track abrasive like a Peco rubber.

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  • RMweb Gold

got to agree with Kenton there (on the masking at least wink.gif ) on Summat Colliery I weathered the track with Tamiya Red Brown aerosol, sprayed the track first then ballasted, then misted over again to blend in the ballast. It's had a sprinking of real coal dust etc since to further enhance the appearance.


Like Kenton though all my points have the switch rails bonded to the stock rails with live frog switching using microswitches so blade contact is irrelevant.

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