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Alan Gibson O2 0-4-4T instructions

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The Scalefour society have some instructions - including general hints and tips - http://www.scalefour.org/resources/instructions.htm


If you're going to the Warley show, the new owners of the Alan Gibson range say, according to their website, that they're going to be there.


Thanks for this information. Unfortunately, whilst lots of LMS locos are listed the O2 isn't.

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Thanks for this information. Unfortunately, whilst lots of LMS locos are listed the O2 isn't.


Frankly, from what I remember of this kit your friend would be better off with a copy of Bradley's book of LSWR locos and a good scale drawing as the instructions are very much of the 'assemble the parts in such a way that a model O2 results' school. Unless you have a Gibson kit to hand, the SE Finecast is a rather better bet regarding accuracy (especially with the boiler) for a 4mm scale model of an O2. I may have some at least of the instructions to hand however. I will have a look.



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