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Roath, Cardiff


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Three weeks until dissertation - it can only mean one thing... modelling!


More of what's been seen before really - weeds, grime and junk lying about. Some areas are starting to look a little more finished whilst others are still quite raw, but hopefully a few photos below should so the current state. Some semi exciting news is the first show is now confirmed for the 7th August however there will be some more on that once the show details are finalised.




Above: This is the middle section of the layout that was largely left bare until recently. The weeds are buiding up and everything slowly being toned in. Note the Bachmann Scencraft cabin in use as a staff 'doss - they're not too bad once they've been toned down a bit. The TK is an EFE item, bought on a tip off that they were found in South Wales in the Rail Motors thread.




Above: An attempt at this realistic photography thing...


I've also been giving a bit of attention to the locos that I need to get finished for it's first showing. The 25/3 cab end masters are getting nearer to casting and the fruits of my labour can be seen below. They're not perfect but should be an improvement on the Bachmann attempt.




Another pheonix 37 has come out of the scrap box and being bought back to life. This model was an original Waltham machine that was written off after taking a plunge from the edge of the layout. In the smash, one cab end was a complete wreck and the mounting points within the Bachmann chassis were also damaged. After a couple of years in the scrap bin it saw the other nose being removed to form the basis of the masters for the corrected ends. However, with the increasing rarity of the Bachmann 37/0 shells, I decided to resurrect it. It's had two new cabs from a coal sector machine (originally expelled from the renosing project due to lack of bodyside boiler detail), a ViTrains chassis and is currently awaiting a set of Shawplan bits. It's quite nice to restore this old friend - even if very little of the original still exists!




I also need to say sorry to a few posters who I've not replied to - I had completely missed your messages when they were posted up. So much belatedly...


How about your 2mm FS layout....still progressing?


It's still sitting on the drawing board. I'm pretty sure that 2mm Parkend will follow Roath although when that will be is anyone's guess. Those new Farish Mk1s are very, very tempting...


Do like the way this is being presented Pix, very nice....wink.gif


Thanks Iain! I'm hoping that the 'letterbox' style of presentation should help focus the watchers eye and make the whole thing look a lot more realistic. However, I've found this method does also mean that yo get the right effect the punters are best to stand about 2' back from the front - I'm not sure how this'll go down at shows and there's always some that seem to insist in getting right up and personal.


Dear Pixie, I've just come across your layout. I really like it, especially the way it evokes the shabbiness of the railways at that time - junk and detritus in the corners etc. Those vans are nicely weathered too - good to see some chalk marks!


Thanks Colin - There's a lot more shabbiness to come yet...


And as for Welsh cakes and faggots... top nosh!










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Some semi exciting news is the first show is now confirmed for the 7th August however there will be some more on that once the show details are finalised.



What exhibition - as it would be nice to see the layout in the flesh?



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If said exhibition is anywhere between Sidmouth and Bedford I hope to be there, dropping in on my way home from holiday. If it's anything like last year I'll be the one covered in mud.


Seriously though, this layout is going to turn quite a few heads when it goes on show and I for one am looking forward to seeing it!



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Thanks for the comments gents.


What exhibition - as it would be nice to see the layout in the flesh?


I was purposely a little vauge wink.gif The show is a small affair that a few friends and myself are putting together in a small village hall in the Berkshire countryside near Twyford. As soon as I've had final confirmation from one or two of the layouts I'll pop the details up in the exhibiton section.



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  • 3 weeks later...

The show is a small affair that a few friends and myself are putting together in a small village hall in the Berkshire countryside near Twyford. As soon as I've had final confirmation from one or two of the layouts I'll pop the details up in the exhibiton section.


As promised - http://www.rmweb.co...._1entry122363!


Scarily under 4 months to go! Help!



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Ages away wink.gif


I thought that until I realised that realistically I've only got about 3 weeks once you factor in exams and a trip to South Africa which means I won't really be able to get to Roath until mid-June! If either the layout or the shwo go wrong, I'll be found in the nearby pub...


I'll look forward to it.


Be good to meet you - be sure to bring along some of those wagons you've been doing, I'd like to see them!



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  • 1 month later...

Take a Bow, Cardiff


As off 11:00 yesterday morning, I am no longer a student. Whilst this means the end of exams, dissertations and the endless stream of coursework, it also means that my days in South Wales are almost over. It's quite mixed emotions as I'm very pleased that the summer will mean some free time to actually get some modelling done however in leaving Cardiff also means that I'll be leaving behind a lot of friends (both rail and non-rail related) behind. Whilst many of the non-railways memories are not suitable for a 'family' forum, I'll always remember Brian R's insightful information and tales (br2975), bumping into Brian T (BENTRUCK) in Lord and Butler which made me dust of the plans for the layout and popping down to Hywel T's in Penarth and gawking at mind-boggling collection of information and Morfa Bank. Also meeting with Wayne (wayne37901) and Marc (marc smith) and the others for a pint of the good stuff. However, this is certainly not the beginning of the end, just the end of the beginning. No doubt I'll be back in Cardiff with relative frequency to catch up with everyone over a Clark's pie and a pint of dark.


In terms of modelling, moving back home will mean that I'm no longer in daily contact with Roath which has given me a kick up the backside to get out and photograph everything that I may need over the next year whilst I put the finer details on the layout. Whilst I won't bore you all with photographs of the underside of bridges and chimney stacks, going out and getting snaps of it all has given me some refreshed impetus to get the layout looking presentable for it's first showing. Over a cool pint today I produced the following list of items that need to be attended to before the 7th August:


  • Finish the fiddle yards, packing crates, stock boxes, front fascia boards, backscenes and installed the LCD screens
  • Complete the layout 'curtain'
  • Get enough stock ready for the show (2 x 37s, a 47, a 08, Falcon, a 31 and however many wagons I can get done)
  • Finish off the Warehouse
  • Add the electromagnets for the uncoupling
  • Get the terraced houses as far as possible
  • Test it all and iron out any errors

August may sound like a long way off, but when you consider the next three weeks are taken up sorting out my house in Cardiff and a further two weeks are taken out of the equation with a trip to South Africa I've really only got about a month to get all of the above done. It's a tall order and I won't be rushing any of it but I'll do my best to have it looking presentable by STORMEx.


Sorry there's no photos this time round as there's nothing to photograph really. However, if anyone would like to see my own little slice of South Wales, here's where it can be found:





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Take a Bow, Cardiff


Whilst many of the non-railways memories are not suitable for a 'family' forum, I'll always remember Brian R's insightful information and tales (br2975),



Steve, you're welcome - if I can assist in the future, you have my e-mail address.


We'll try and sort something out before you go.


In the meantime, something from the 'Instamatic files' of May 1973- I seem to recall you have an interest in it


Brian R




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Take a Bow, Cardiff


As off 11:00 yesterday morning, I am no longer a student. Whilst this means the end of exams, dissertations and the endless stream of coursework, it also means that my days in South Wales are almost over. It's quite mixed emotions as I'm very pleased that the summer will mean some free time to actually get some modelling done however in leaving Cardiff also means that I'll be leaving behind a lot of friends (both rail and non-rail related) behind. Whilst many of the non-railways memories are not suitable for a 'family' forum, I'll always remember Brian R's insightful information and tales (br2975), bumping into Brian T (BENTRUCK) in Lord and Butler which made me dust of the plans for the layout and popping down to Hywel T's in Penarth and gawking at mind-boggling collection of information and Morfa Bank. Also meeting with Wayne (wayne37901) and Marc (marc smith) and the others for a pint of the good stuff. However, this is certainly not the beginning of the end, just the end of the beginning. No doubt I'll be back in Cardiff with relative frequency to catch up with everyone over a Clark's pie and a pint of dark.


In terms of modelling, moving back home will mean that I'm no longer in daily contact with Roath which has given me a kick up the backside to get out and photograph everything that I may need over the next year whilst I put the finer details on the layout. Whilst I won't bore you all with photographs of the underside of bridges and chimney stacks, going out and getting snaps of it all has given me some refreshed impetus to get the layout looking presentable for it's first showing. Over a cool pint today I produced the following list of items that need to be attended to before the 7th August:


  • Finish the fiddle yards, packing crates, stock boxes, front fascia boards, backscenes and installed the LCD screens
  • Complete the layout 'curtain'
  • Get enough stock ready for the show (2 x 37s, a 47, a 08, Falcon, a 31 and however many wagons I can get done)
  • Finish off the Warehouse
  • Add the electromagnets for the uncoupling
  • Get the terraced houses as far as possible
  • Test it all and iron out any errors

August may sound like a long way off, but when you consider the next three weeks are taken up sorting out my house in Cardiff and a further two weeks are taken out of the equation with a trip to South Africa I've really only got about a month to get all of the above done. It's a tall order and I won't be rushing any of it but I'll do my best to have it looking presentable by STORMEx.


Sorry there's no photos this time round as there's nothing to photograph really. However, if anyone would like to see my own little slice of South Wales, here's where it can be found:






Hi Pix

Thanks for your company and chats at the PLough (whitchurch) with the rest of the bunch, surpised you ever got a word in between Brian R and myself,

I know we will stay in touch as we did before the existence of RMweb.

Might see you at the next WAG or up at your end of the woods in August

Please take a bit of Canton back to England with youpost-7300-127464746854_thumb.jpg



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Take a Bow, Cardiff


  • Finish the fiddle yards, packing crates, stock boxes, front fascia boards, backscenes and installed the LCD screens
  • Complete the layout 'curtain'
  • Get enough stock ready for the show (2 x 37s, a 47, a 08, Falcon, a 31 and however many wagons I can get done)
  • Finish off the Warehouse
  • Add the electromagnets for the uncoupling
  • Get the terraced houses as far as possible
  • Test it all and iron out any errors




You will be gob smacked how much you can get done when you have a deadline.......................


I would experiment with the electromagnets a bit. I suspect that you will find that you will need a little more power to them than the ones you can get in the model railway trade.


Good luck for the 7th - I will be there if I can.

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So, the competition hots up - high level viewpoints eh Mr Truck ?


"Cop" for my two-pennyworth !


I've got your office in pic No.1 - which window did you use ?


Come to think of it, my 'office' is also in Pic.No.1 (just) and former place of work (just) in No.2. I use the term 'place of work' with tongue firmly in cheek !


Brian R



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Freedom eh?

Well welcome to the real world wee mon...

And here is to you meeting your deadline - I look forward to seeing the beast in the future ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Have just seen on MREmag the forthcoming Bachmann release 33-306B, WR Toad marked "Roath Basin junction, Not in common use". Any good for you??!!

cheers, Peter C.

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Bring a polypin of SA home with you and all will be well!


Dark is my weapon of choice, but I think it's been replaced with Black recently. Equally good and almost gives the Irish a run for it's money!



Good luck with Roath and whatever the future holds for you!


Thanks Neil! Immediate plan is to back my bags and go out to South Africa for a few weeks, then come back and hopefully return to my old bar job to get the pennies rolling in. Then at the start of next year Lind and I are planning a round the world trip before coming back to the real world!



Thanks for your company and chats at the PLough (whitchurch) with the rest of the bunch, surpised you ever got a word in between Brian R and myself,

I know we will stay in touch as we did before the existence of RMweb.


And thanks for your company and help with the project! I'll no doubt be down quite regularly and hopefully can tie it in with a WAG meeting. It'll be good to see you on the 7th if you can make it.


You will be gob smacked how much you can get done when you have a deadline.......................


I hope you're right! The biggest problem I usually have is not having the bits in supply when they're needed, but I've been sure to stock up over the last few months on everything I need for the run up to the show.


I would experiment with the electromagnets a bit. I suspect that you will find that you will need a little more power to them than the ones you can get in the model railway trade.


The ones I've got are from MSE and they certainly seem to have a fair bit of grunt behind them. If they prove to be naff in practise then I'll probably wind my own.


Good luck for the 7th - I will be there if I can.


Looking forward to it if you can make it. smile.gif


And here is to you meeting your deadline - I look forward to seeing the beast in the future wink.gif


The invites are rolling in now so hopefully the chance should arrive before too long. Be sure to bring some of those sexy wagons from the big blue beastie! cool.gif


Have just seen on MREmag the forthcoming Bachmann release 33-306B, WR Toad marked "Roath Basin junction, Not in common use". Any good for you??!!


I'd not noticed that! I'll no doubt take one just to put on the side... or buy some 56xx's and use those rather tasty chassis that craigwelsh has been showing.


Oh, and in other news...


Pix BEng (Hons)

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Ho!!!!!! you got an 'ology! Well done PIXbiggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif


Enjoy the trips you got planned with Lin, think the next few years/decades are going to be a bind, so you make the most of it whilst you can!


Good luck and hope the loan isnt to monstorous!!


if it is you can always write them a cheque!!!!!!wink.gif tongue.gif


well done on the degree mate, well done indeed!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for all the congratulations chaps and apologies for the delay in my reply, I've been in Africa.


Under a month to go until the inaugural show and I'm trying to get as much done as possible. The warehouse is under construction, there's a big pile of rolling stock in the paint shop, lots of wood being cut in the garden and lots of resin that's curing in various moulds. As Mark said above, it's amazing what you can get done when there's a deadline.


Anyway, a couple of photos showing some of my playing around with a cheap static grass machine off ebay - I'm quite pleased with the outcome!






Comments, as ever, are welcomed.



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That grass looks a bit too much like my lawn for comfort!


Looking forward to seeing it at Stormex - it will help ease me back into the real world, whatever that is, after a week under canvas.



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